


法國 MIRARE 官方網站

This boutique French label features a number of world-renowned performers, including pianists Zhu Xiao-Mei, Iddo Bar-Shai, Boris Berezovsky, Claire Desert, Shani Diluka, Brigitte Engerer, Philippe Giusiano, Anne Queffelec, Emmanuel Stosser, harpsichordist Pierre Hantai, Trio Chausson, Ricercar Consort, singers including countertenor Carlos Mena and baritone Jerome Correas, orchestras and ensembles directed by Michel Corboz, John Nelson – and many other fine musicians. Beautifully recorded and packaged, Mirare CDs are highly praised and much awarded.

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布拉姆斯:鋼琴五重奏 Brahms: Piano Quintet
布拉姆斯:鋼琴作品集 Brahms:Piano Works
年輕時期的德布西(貝加馬斯克組曲等鋼琴曲) 約拿.維多 鋼琴	Jonas Vitaud / Debussy Jeunes Annees
In the 1880s and 1890s, Romanticism blazed its last. Just as Brahms was wri..
庫普蘭: 黑暗日課及經文歌 陰影合奏團 / Les Ombres / Couperin: Lecons De Tenebres & Motets
Following their interpretation distinguished by the criticism of the unknow..
庫普蘭:室內樂音樂集 Les Folies franqoises / Couperin: Portraits Croises (NoMad)
Franqois Couperin, whose 350th birthday we celebrate this year, defined himself as a creator of m..
庫普蘭:向柯列里與盧利致敬 Couperin:Apotheoses
彩色聯盟 薩克斯風特集 省略符號四重奏 Quatuor Ellipsos / Philippe Geiss, Will Gregory, … : United Colors (NoMad)
To celebrate its 15-year career, the Ellipsos Quartet wanted to pay tribute to the harmony orches..
德佛札克、杜南伊:弦樂四重奏 Dvorak-Bartpl-Dohnanyi / Qurtuor A. Modigliani
From the old central Europe to explorations of the New World, Dvorak and..
德佛札克:第九號交響曲「新世界」 Dvorak:Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95 'From the New World'
拉威爾:達芬尼與克羅依全曲-世紀樂團,羅斯 指揮 / François-Xavier Roth / Ravel: Daphnis & Chloe (complete)