


英國Chandos 官網連結


Chandos Records is one of the world's premier classical music record companies, best known for its ground breaking search for neglected musical gems. The company has pioneered the idea of the 'series' and proudly includes series of such composers as Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Parry, Walton with ongoing series of Grainger, Berkeley and Bridge. Renowned for its superb sound quality, Chandos has won many prestigious awards for its natural sound quality.

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雷歐.魏納:五首嬉遊曲及小夜曲 尼米.賈維 指揮 愛沙尼亞國家交響樂團 / Neeme Jarvi / Leo Weiner: Five Divertimentos & Serenade
Within his extended discography, Neeme Järvi has explored the work of some ..
雷諾克斯.柏克萊:第4號交響曲|麥可.柏克萊:大提琴協奏曲、塵世愉悅花園 The Berkeley Edition, Vol. 3L. Berkeley and M. Berkeley (Gerhardt 蓋哈特, 大提琴)
雷諾克斯.柏克萊爵士(1903-1989)原本在牛津大學主修法文,後來經由拉威爾推薦,赴巴黎留學隨名師布蘭潔女士學作曲。他曾任英國皇家音樂院作曲 教授二十二年,作品的品質極為出色,對技巧的要求也..
電影配樂大師麥克倫.阿諾精華集《桂河大橋》、《六福客棧》…名片金曲 The Film Music of Sir Malcolm Arnold, Vol. 1 - London Symphony Orchestra . Richard Hickox
少有電影配樂專輯能夠獲得英國企鵝指南三星推薦的殊榮,但是這張由理查.希克寇克斯指揮倫敦交響樂團的精彩演出,卻再次完美呈現一代配樂大師麥克倫.阿諾 的不朽名作。1947年開始譜寫電影配樂的作曲家阿..
繼【電影配樂大師麥克倫.阿諾精華集】(CHAN 9100)叫好叫座之後,第二集再將阿諾多達一百多部的電影配樂,挑出最受歡迎的樂段重新編曲以饗樂迷,這包括膾炙人口的《塊肉餘生記》組曲、馬戲團歡樂風..
電影配樂銅管樂團演奏法國名曲集 / French Bonbons: Grimethorpe Colliery Ban
1 Marche lorraineby Peter Parkes4:06  2 Petite suite (arr. for brass ban..
霍威爾斯:合唱作品 / Howells:Choral Works
Disc1    1 Missa Sabrinensis: Kyrie by Gennady Rozhdestve..
霍爾斯特: 聖保羅組曲,雙小提琴協奏曲等作品  希考克斯  指揮 / 倫敦市立交響樂團 / Richard Hickox / Holst - Orchestral Works
This 1994 Holst collection is another recording with the London Symphony Or..
霍爾斯特:歌劇(流浪的學者) / Holst: The Wandering Scholar
1  Suite de ballet, Op. 10: I. Danse rustique  2:29  &nbs..
霍爾斯特:行星組曲 / 理查‧史特勞斯:查拉圖斯特拉如是說 -愛德華.加德納 指揮 / Edward Gardner / Holst: The Planets, Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra (Vinyl)
For its very first album on Chandos, the National Youth Orchestra of Great Br..
霍爾斯特:行星組曲 / 理查‧史特勞斯:查拉圖斯特拉如是說 -愛德華.加德納 指揮 / Edward Gardner / Holst: The Planets, Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra
For its very first album on Chandos, ..