


法國 MIRARE 官方網站

This boutique French label features a number of world-renowned performers, including pianists Zhu Xiao-Mei, Iddo Bar-Shai, Boris Berezovsky, Claire Desert, Shani Diluka, Brigitte Engerer, Philippe Giusiano, Anne Queffelec, Emmanuel Stosser, harpsichordist Pierre Hantai, Trio Chausson, Ricercar Consort, singers including countertenor Carlos Mena and baritone Jerome Correas, orchestras and ensembles directed by Michel Corboz, John Nelson – and many other fine musicians. Beautifully recorded and packaged, Mirare CDs are highly praised and much awarded.

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紐布傑4CD套裝∼徹爾尼、李斯特、德布西、巴拉凱&拉威爾 Neuburger / Oeuvres de Czerny, Heller, Bach, Chopin, Liszt
給左手的鋼琴作品集Vol.1 Oeuvres Pour La Main Gauche V.1
"An impressive display of piano works for the left hand. This young musi..
給左手的鋼琴作品集Vol.2 Oeuvres Pour La Main Gauche V.2
This first anthology of works for the left hand enables us to discover, ..
美國之旅 American Journey
"While under the influence of traditions from Western Europe, the American music of the twentieth ce..
翁斯洛:大提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲 Onslow / Sonatas for cello and piano
"Following in the footsteps of Mozart and Haydn, George Onslow invented a middle way between the Fre..
聖·科隆布和他的女兒們(維奧爾琴樂集) 菲利普.皮埃洛/露西·布朗傑 低音維奧爾琴	Philippe Pierlot, Lucile Boulanger / Monsieur de Sainte-Colombe et ses Filles
聖·科隆布和他的女兒們 (韋西/尚皮翁·德·尚博尼埃/庫普蘭 維奧爾琴樂集) 菲利普.皮埃洛 低音維奧爾琴 露西·布朗傑 低音..
聖桑:動物狂歡節 (貝瑞佐夫斯基, 鋼琴) Berezovksy / Saint-Saens: Le Carnaval Des Animaux
舒伯特: f小調幻想曲四手聯彈及其他作品-安德里亞斯.史泰爾&亞歷山大.梅尼可夫 鋼琴 / Andreas Staier,  Alexander Melnikov / Schubert: Fantasia in f minor
舒伯特: 流浪者, 阿班貝鳩奏鳴曲 芳斯瓦·薩爾克 大提琴 / Francois Salqu / Schubert: Wanderer, Sonate Arpeggionne
1. Arpeggione Sonata, D. 821: I. Allegro moderato   2. Arpeggione Sonata..
舒伯特:八重奏F大調,作品D803 莫迪里亞尼弦樂四重奏	Quatuor Modigliani / Schubert: Octet
舒伯特:八重奏F大調,作品D803 莫迪里亞尼弦樂四重奏 達格·詹森 巴松管 莎賓梅耶 單簧管..