


德國 AUDITE 官方網站 

來自德國專業的古典音樂廠牌,因為發行一系列庫貝利克指揮巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團作品,受到了國際專業媒體一致的肯定,他們並且將愛德華•弗朗克(Eduard Franck)的作品整理坐全球首度發行,讓愛樂者重新認識這位德國作曲家,除了這些系列作品會不斷地發行,Audite也致力發行世界一流音樂家稀有曲目,並且為音響迷帶來最高品質的錄音作品。 

The audite label was founded in Stuttgart in Southern Germany in the late 1970s. From the outset, our policy of making available to a broad public outstanding interpretations of noteworthy repertoire at the highest possible quality has been central to our work and public perception. Initially, we predominantly issued live recordings of the Symphonies by Gustav Mahler with Rafael Kubelik and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra: even today these recordings rate amongst the most exceptional interpretations of these works.

Alongside his responsibilities of selecting artists and repertoire, audite’s director Ludger Böckenhoff is also still active as producer and Tonmeister. Based in Detmold, audite operates with a team of committed and highly qualified, permanent staff:

  • artists and repertoire, Tonmeister: Ludger Böckenhoff
  • press, promotion and PR: Sabine Wiedemann
  • archive, database, research: Wencke Wallbaum-v. Kloeden
  • graphic design and video, administration: Agnes Böckenhoff
  • production and distribution manager: Maria Hennewig
  • website content management and communication, Tonmeister, digital distribution: Simon Böckenhoff

In addition to our permanent team, we employ freelance specialists in the fields of production, editing, mixing, mastering, project management, booklet note writing and translation, archive research, EDP and programming.

顯示方式: 列表 / 方格
給法國號與鋼琴的法國作品 French Music for Horn & Piano
The history of the horn and its technical development has been of partic..
維爾納:管風琴交響曲全集 Vol. 2 Vierne:Complete Organ Symphonies Vol. 2 (Hans-Eberhard Roß)
With the Third and Fourth Organ Symphonies, written in the years 1911 an..
維爾納:管風琴交響曲全集 Vol.3 Vierne:Complete Organ Symphonies Volume 3 (Hans-Eberhard Roß)
"With the Fith and Sixth Organ Symphony, written in the years 1924 and 1930 respectively, the thr..
義大利四重奏 (RIAS錄音全集3CD)	Quartetto Italiano / The complete RIAS Recordings
董尼才第/凱魯畢尼/馬里皮耶洛/蕭士塔高維契/拉威爾/舒伯特/舒曼/海頓 弦樂作品集 義大利四重奏 Quarte..
聖桑.葛利格.李斯特鋼琴作品 尼爾森.弗雷利 鋼琴 / Nelson Freire plays Saint-Saens, Grieg and Liszt
​Saint-Saens' Second Piano Concerto with Nelson Freire under the baton of A..
聖桑:鋼琴五重奏、第一號弦樂四重奏 Saint-Saëns: Piano Quintet; String Quartet No. 1
聖桑:鋼琴協奏曲3.5號 C. Saint-Saens: Piano Concertos Vol. 2 (3 & 5)
Outside France, Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) is still perceived as a ..
舒伯特/李斯特: 鋼琴奏鳴曲 吉明·奧哈維斯 鋼琴	Jimin Oh-Havenith / Schubert: Piano Sonata in G Major - Liszt: Piano Sonata in B Minor
舒伯特:G大調鋼琴奏鳴曲 / 李斯特:b小調鋼琴奏鳴曲 吉明·奧哈維斯 鋼琴 Jimin Oh-Havenith..
舒伯特: 即興曲集 凱末爾.杰姆.耶爾馬茲 鋼琴	Kemal Cem Yilmaz / Schubert  impromptus D935 D899
Schubert’s eight “spontaneous inventions” from 1827 are character pieces th..
舒伯特: 晚期鋼琴作品第三集 安德列·盧凱西尼 鋼琴	Andrea Lucchesini / Franz Schubert: Late Piano Works, Vol.3
​舒伯特: 晚期鋼琴作品第三集(第18,號G大調/第19號,C小調) 安德列·盧凱西尼 鋼琴 Andr..