


美國 HEADS UP 官方網站

Concord Music Group (CMG) was formed in 2004 with the merger of Concord Records and Fantasy Records. In 2005, the company welcomed Telarc and Heads Up International to the family. Each of these companies has a long and storied history full of major music milestones and critical acclaim.

Together, they bring rosters of current artists and legendary catalogs, which make CMG one of the largest and fastest-growing independent music companies in the world. Part of CMG's mission statement proclaims the company shall "enrich lives by providing music of timeless appeal in innovative ways."

This commitment to the music-loving public is why we continue to focus on music of quality and long-term appeal, while being cognizant of the changes in the way that consumers find and experience music. Examples of how we're implementing this mission include the revival of the classic Stax label, home to the finest in R&B and soul music, and Hear Music, a joint venture with Starbucks that makes music more readily accessible to fans. We encourage you to explore our product offerings, and engage with us via the Concord "Voices" on www.ConcordMusicGroup.com.


爵頭玩(Heads up)唱片公司
爵頭玩唱片公司來台,與「 愛情物語」同步發行伊凡.林斯自彈自唱,現場錄音「抒情傳真」專輯
1997年匹茲堡MCG音樂中心獻唱實況錄音!        HUCD 1005
伊凡相當崇敬的作曲家亨利.曼西尼, 也是匹茲堡人士。曼西尼過世後, 他特別寫下一曲"Henrysville"以紀念曼西尼對音樂的貢獻。
現場演唱時除了他演唱自己的巴西創作, 最負盛名的"Love Dance"他也以十足投入的感情唱出微妙的旋律美感。伊凡.林斯的現場魅力萬分, 從談笑自如的歌唱風格到熟稔的鍵盤彈奏, 給人留下深刻的印象。
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Sakesho 四重奏-就是要你說We Want You to Say/
Sakesho是個充滿法屬加勒比海熱情的樂團,由把鋼鼓〈Steel Pans〉帶進爵士演奏的大師Andy Narell、鍵盤手Mario Canonge、貝斯手Michel Alibo與鼓手Je..
Stanley Clarke Band
「爵頭玩超級樂團」是Heads Up公司的明星隊,流行爵士樂界(Smooth Jazz)的天王組合,成員包括喬麥克布萊、肯尼布雷克等多位廣受歡迎的樂手。這個樂團早在一九九零年代初期就已經成立,但..
Take 6/The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
1. It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year     2. White Christmas   &..
Tsimba Itsoka - Oliver Mtukudzi
亞歷山大.札尼克 /巫山雲雨 Alexander Zonjic/Doing the D
亞歷山大.札尼克 / 響入天際Alexander Zonjic.Reach For Th
或許,這是上天的安排吧!在這世界如此紛亂之時,能有這麼一張溫馨柔美的專輯安慰人類的心靈,Alexander 在本張專輯邀請眾星雲集,有知名的鍵盤手兼作曲家Jeff Lorber、吉他聖手Earl..
亞歷山大.札尼克─ 久違的藍調Alexander Zonjic ─ Seldom Blues
加拿大出生的長笛手札尼克現在是汽車之城底特律的重要樂手,不僅到處表演,並在底特律投資一家爵士夜店,更是當地Smooth Jazz電台每天早上的節目主持人。札尼克本來是個吉他手,後受到Hubert..
伊凡.林斯 / 抒情傳真 Ivan Lins Live At MCG
巴西作曲家歌手伊凡.林斯是繼安東尼.卡洛.裘賓之後, 揚名國際且創作豐碩的藝人。他的抒情作品總以旋律的優美與巧妙的音韻轉換擄獲人心, 而巴西音樂特殊的反拍音更毫不隱藏的呈現在節奏進行中。 ..
來自南非,曾獲葛萊美獎最佳合唱團體組合的Ladysmith Black Mambazo。自74年成軍至今已堂堂邁入35年,創團至今總計超過50張的音樂作品發行,且在團長兼發起人Joseph Sh..