


英國 Hyperion 官網連結



Founded in 1980, Hyperion is an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twentieth. The catalogue currently comprises nearly 1500 CDs and approximately 80 new titles are issued each year. Acclaimed artists include Angela Hewitt, Steven Isserlis, Stephen Hough, Emma Kirkby and Australians Piers Lane and the Goldner String Quartet.

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巴哈/平均律全集(安潔拉.休薇特) BACH /The Well-Tempered Clavier(Angela Hewitt)
Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1 - Prelude #1 In C, BWV 846 ..
巴哈: 觸技曲集(BWV910-916) 馬漢.埃斯法哈尼 大鍵琴	Mahan Esfahani / Bach The Toccatas
馬漢.埃斯法哈尼 大鍵琴 Mahan Esfahani   harpsichord ..
巴哈:平均律鋼琴曲全集-修威特 (4CD)  Bach:The Well-Tempered Clavier-Hewitt
Bach, J S: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Books 1 & 2  ..
巴哈:清唱劇第54.82及170 戴維斯 假聲男高音 Iestyn Davies, Arcangelo/J.S. Bach: Cantatas Nos 54, 82 & 170
Ich habe genug is a timeless, transcendental masterpiece: a profound expres..
巴哈:無伴奏大提琴組曲全集 阿爾班.蓋哈特 大提琴	Alban Gerhardt / J.S. Bach: The Cello Suites
巴哈音樂的“超越凡俗的美麗與迷人簡約的搭配”那種難以捉摸的特質在這張阿爾班·蓋哈特(Alban Gerhardt)專輯的說明小冊子中巧妙地解..
巴哈:第106.182號清唱劇   朋友之聲合唱團	Amici Voices / Bach: Cantatas Nos 106 & 182
Bach may only have been in his early twenties when he wrote it, but Cantata..
巴哈:郭德堡變奏曲 帕菲爾・柯列斯尼可夫 鋼琴	Pavel Kolesnikov / Bach: Goldberg Variations
J. S.巴哈:郭德堡變奏曲,作品988 帕菲爾・柯列斯尼可夫 鋼琴獨奏 '強烈的, 情緒化的和純淨的'..
巴哈:鋼琴改編曲(10)-聖桑 Bach:Piano Transcriptions, Vol. 10 – Saint-Saens & Philipp
Hyperion’s Bach Transcriptions series shows Bach through the fascinating..
巴哈、泰勒曼:雙簧管與柔音管協奏曲 Bach & Telemann:Oboe & Oboe d’amore concertos
舊版編號CDA66267 (1988) 歷史悠久的雙簧管,早在巴洛克時期,即有許多作曲大師為其譜寫動人的音符,尤其當獨奏協奏曲的型式逐漸成熟之後,雙簧管更是僅次於小提琴、長笛之外,最受歡..
巴哈鋼琴改編曲第三集 - 弗利德曼、葛人傑、慕爾杜希改編 Bach : Piano Transcriptons 3 - Friedman . Grainger . Murdoch (Piers Lane, piano)