


英國Chandos 官網連結


Chandos Records is one of the world's premier classical music record companies, best known for its ground breaking search for neglected musical gems. The company has pioneered the idea of the 'series' and proudly includes series of such composers as Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Parry, Walton with ongoing series of Grainger, Berkeley and Bridge. Renowned for its superb sound quality, Chandos has won many prestigious awards for its natural sound quality.

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佛斯:三幕歌劇「葛里費爾金」 / Foss:Griffelkin - Boston Modern Orchestr
Disc1    1  Griffelkin: Act I: Prologue: When the moon gr..
佛漢-威廉斯: 旅行之歌 詹姆斯.吉爾克里斯特 男高音 / 菲利浦.杜克 中提琴 ㄥ/ James Gilchrist / Vaughan Williams - Songs of Travel etc
Having previously recorded British repertoire on Chandos, James Gilch..
佛漢-威廉斯:第六號交響曲 / Vaughan Williams: Symphony No. 6
1 Symphony No. 6 in E Minor: I. Allegro 2 Symphony No. 6 in E Minor: II. Mode..
佛漢‧威廉士:頌歌與聖詠音樂Vaughan Williams: Hymns and Choral Music
佛漢威廉士:廷塔加爾斯之死 / Vaughan Williams: A Cotswold Romance & Death of Tintagiles
1  A Cotswold Romance (after R. Vaughan William's Hugh the Drover): The Men o..
佛漢威廉士:藝術歌曲「在溫洛克斷崖」 Vaughan Williams:On Wenlock Edge
佛漢.威廉士: 倫敦交響曲 (1913版) 理查.希考克斯 指揮 倫敦交響樂團 Richard Hickox / Vaughan Williams: A London Symphony (Original 1913 version)
理查.希考克斯 指揮 倫敦交響樂團 London Symphony Orchestra Ri..
佛漢.威廉士:南極交響曲/雙鋼琴協奏曲 安德魯.戴維斯爵士 指揮 / Sir Andrew Davis / Vaughan Williams: Sinfonia Antartica, etc
This is the eagerly awaited final volume in our historic series of Vaughan ..
佛漢.威廉士:歌劇(葬身海底) / Riders To The Sea
1 Riders to the Sea: Where is she? (Nora, Cathleen)  2 Riders to the Sea..
佛漢.威廉士:第4號交響曲 / Vaughan Williams: Symphony No. 4
1. Symphony No. 4 In F Minor: I - Allegro  2. Symphony No. 4 In F Minor:..