


英國Chandos 官網連結


Chandos Records is one of the world's premier classical music record companies, best known for its ground breaking search for neglected musical gems. The company has pioneered the idea of the 'series' and proudly includes series of such composers as Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Parry, Walton with ongoing series of Grainger, Berkeley and Bridge. Renowned for its superb sound quality, Chandos has won many prestigious awards for its natural sound quality.

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威爾第:馬克白 Verdi:Macbeth
"This recording of Verdi's Macbeth marks the completion of the Peter Moores Foundation's remarkable..
孟德爾頌: 弦樂四重奏全集(1), 第1.5.6號 多利克弦樂四重奏	Doric String Quartet / Mendelssohn: Complete String Quartets, Vol. 1
Alongside its ongoing and much lauded Haydn and Schubert series, both on-stage and..
孟德爾頌在伯明罕第一集~芬加爾洞窟、第四&五號交響曲 Mendelssohn in Birmingham, Vol. 1
'Mendelssohn in Birmingham' is an exciting new recording project with the CBSO and its Principal ..
孟德爾頌在伯明罕第三集~平靜的海洋海與快樂的航行、第二號交響曲 Mendelssohn in Birmingham, Vol. 3
This is the third recording in our Mendelssohn in Birmingham series..
孟德爾頌在伯明罕第二集~第一&三號交響曲、路易.布拉斯序曲 Mendelssohn in Birmingham, Vol. 2
"Edward Gardner and the CBSO present volume 2 in their series Mendelssohn in Birmingham, this tim..
孟德爾頌在伯明罕第五集(序曲集) 愛德華.加德納 指揮 伯明罕市立交響樂團	Edward Gardner / Mendelssohn in Birmingham, Vol. 5 - Overtures
孟德爾頌:仲夏夜之夢/聖保羅/芬加爾洞窟 愛德華.加德納 指揮 伯明罕市立交響樂團 City of ..
孟德爾頌在伯明罕第四集~小提琴協奏曲、仲夏夜之夢 (加德納 / 伯明罕市立交響樂團 / 派克, 小提琴) Mendelssohn in Birmingham, Vol. 4
孟德爾頌/巴哈/帕海貝爾/韓德爾/魏道爾/華格納/古諾/舒伯特Wedding Classics
孟德爾頌:大提琴與鋼琴作品 Mendelssohn:Works for Cello and Piano
音樂學者漢斯.凱勒認為孟德爾頌將所有作曲的問題全都解決導致聽眾欣賞時無法由衷感動,這其實是低估他的才華。 他的技巧生動活潑鮮明,這有部份給歸功於他的成長環境還有他開明的雙親。由於兄弟姊妹..
孟德爾頌:神劇「以利亞」 Mendelssohn: Elijah, Op. 70
"‘Never was there a more complete triumph’, wrote The Times after the premiere of Elijah by Mendelss..