


英國 Hyperion 官網連結



Founded in 1980, Hyperion is an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twentieth. The catalogue currently comprises nearly 1500 CDs and approximately 80 new titles are issued each year. Acclaimed artists include Angela Hewitt, Steven Isserlis, Stephen Hough, Emma Kirkby and Australians Piers Lane and the Goldner String Quartet.

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莫札特:鋼琴奏鳴曲 (馬克–安卓.艾莫林, 鋼琴) Mozart:Piano Sonatas (Marc-André Hamelin,piano)
Eight of Mozart's divinely inspired Piano Sonatas here receive performan..
莫札特:雙簧管四重奏、法國號五重奏與其他作品 Mozart:Oboe Quartet, Horn Quintet & other works
Hyperion中價系列「Helios」原始編號CDA67277 莫札特對管樂器曲目的貢獻至為巨大,除了為各項獨奏管樂器留下不朽的協奏曲之外,也譜寫多首編制獨特的室內樂作品。《F大調雙簧..
莫許科夫斯基:鋼琴音樂 Vol. 2 (塔妮耶兒, 鋼琴)  Moszkowski:Piano Music 2 (Seta Tanyel, piano)
華勒斯:天地創造交響曲與其他管弦作品 William Wallace: Creation Symphony & other orchestral works
"In this new album Danny Driver brings his impeccable pianism, consummate style and imagination t..
華爾頓:小提琴協奏曲, 亨德密特主題與變奏曲 安東尼.馬伍德 小提琴  / Anthony Marwood / Walton: Violin Concerto
Martyn Brabbins and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra follow up their def..
菲利普斯:八聲部宗教聖歌集 (英皇古長號及短號合奏團 / 皇家霍洛威學院合唱團 / 魯伯特.葛夫) Philips, P:Cantiones sacrae octonis vocibus ((Royal Holloway Choir, The English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble, Rupert Gough))
萊諾蒙克頓:秀場與劇院歌曲輯 Monckton:Songs from the shows-Bott/Suart/New London Orchestra & Chorus/Corp
萊頓:合唱作品 Leighton:Crucifixus & other choral works
The choral music of Kenneth Leighton is beloved of cathedral and collegi..
葛人傑:隨筆與感想(鋼琴改編曲集) Grainger:Piano Transcriptions (Piers Lane, Piano)
舊版編號:CDA67279   生於澳洲後來歸化美籍的作曲家葛人傑(1882-1961),曾師事大師布梭尼,日後則跟大作曲家葛利格和戴流士結為好友。他是個性有點古怪的永..
葛仁傑 : 叢林之書 / Grainger: Jungle Book
Harmonium, four guitars, two mandolas, two mandolins, two ukuleles, piccolo..