西貝流士比較少為人知的管弦樂作品的前途也許不會讓人心跳加速, 但等到你聽過這張專輯第一首的”信仰”之後的三幅音畫(Op130). 這張飽滿雄偉的新錄音彌補了一世紀以來無法解釋為何被忽略掉的作品遺珠之憾, 而這還只是下一首”管風琴”交響的前奏曲而已 The prospect of a little-known Saint-Saens orchestral work might not set the heart racing, but just wait until you hear ‘La foi’. Ample amends for a century’s unaccountable neglect are made with this magnificent new recording—so much more than a prelude to the ‘organ’ symphony.
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