
柴可夫斯基: 鋼琴三重奏,作品50 吉爾‧夏漢 小提琴 布朗夫曼 鋼琴 莫克 大提琴 Gil Shaham / Tchaikovsky: Piano Trio in A Minor, Op. 50

柴可夫斯基: 鋼琴三重奏,作品50 吉爾‧夏漢 小提琴 布朗夫曼 鋼琴 莫克 大提琴	Gil Shaham / Tchaikovsky: Piano Trio in A Minor, Op. 50
柴可夫斯基: 鋼琴三重奏,作品50 吉爾‧夏漢 小提琴 布朗夫曼 鋼琴 莫克 大提琴	Gil Shaham / Tchaikovsky: Piano Trio in A Minor, Op. 50
專輯編號: CC05
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2021
國際條碼: 0892118001051
音樂廠牌: Canary Classics
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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柴可夫斯基: 鋼琴三重奏(懷念一位偉大藝術家)
吉爾‧夏漢 小提琴
葉芬.布朗夫曼 鋼琴
提勒斯.莫克 大提琴

柴可夫斯基的鋼琴三重奏涵蓋了歡樂,悲傷和悲劇的情緒, 而且在構成第二樂章的宏偉變奏曲系列, 是那種他最喜愛的酸甜苦辣感覺的回憶. 雖然柴可夫斯基自己承認不怎麼喜愛這種樂器組合, 但他創造了一件在規模和野心程度都是獨特的作品, 對演奏此作品者是有許多特殊的挑戰. 這一部份的原因是其源自於一件二手的作品(d'occasion), 這無可避免的影響其音階與音調.

Tchaikovsky's Piano Trio encompasses moods of gaiety, pathos and tragedy and, in the grand series of variations which form the second movement, that sense of bittersweet reminiscence of which the composer was so fond. Although he was, by his own admission, less than enamoured of this combination of instruments, Tchaikovsky created a work unique in scale and ambition, one that presents many special challenges to its performers. This is partly because of its origins as a piece d'occasion, something which inevitably affected its scale and tone.

Tchaikovsky: Piano Trio in A minor, Op. 50 'In Memory of a Great Artist' 46:51
Gil Shaham (violin), Truls Mork (cello), Yefim Bronfman (piano)
1 I. Pezzo elegiaco 17:47
2 II. Theme and Variations: Theme 0:55
3 II. Theme and Variations: Variation 1 0:50
4 II. Theme and Variations: Variation 2 0:33
5 II. Theme and Variations: Variation 3 0:54
6 II. Theme and Variations: Variation 4 1:04
7 II. Theme and Variations: Variation 5 0:43
8 II. Theme and Variations: Variation 6 2:27
9 II. Theme and Variations: Variation 7 1:11
10 II. Theme and Variations: Variation 8 2:39
11 II. Theme and Variations: Variation 9 2:36
12 II. Theme and Variations: Variation 10 1:45
13 II. Theme and Variations: Variation 11 2:03
14 II. Theme and Variations: Final Variation and Coda 11:24

