

Chan Hung Tat, composer 詹宏達,作曲

1957年出生於基隆七堵,自幼愛唱歌,十四歲那年,主動進入台中喜信聖經書院受洗成為基督徒。擔任過崔苔菁、潘麗麗、李靜美、王海玲等人的專輯製作。因 為對於音樂理念的堅持,參與製作了獨立廠牌水晶潘麗麗的《畫眉》,開創了台語歌新時代,並為他拿下了生平第一座的金鼎獎,同年主流龍頭滾石唱片出版了他創 作的《春天的花蕊》,琅琅上口的旋律,成為當年度排行金曲。並曾為「戲夢人生」與「牯嶺街殺人事件」等電影配樂。

He was born in Keelung in 1957, and has been interested in singing since he was little. At the age of 14, he was christened in Taichung voluntarily. He was the producer of the albums of Tai-jing Cui, Li-li Pan, Ching-mei Lee and Hai-ling Wang. Because of his persistence in music, he produced the album “Babblers” for Li-li Pan and brought the Taiwanese music to a new era. The album gave him his first Golden Tripod Award. The same year, the mainstream record company, Rock Records, published his song Flower In Spring, which rated No.1 on the pop music chart at that time. He also served as the composer of several films, such as The Puppet Master and A Brighter Summer Day.
He was multi-nominated by the Golden Melody Awards with the songs like Waiting For Winter, You Will Know When You Grow Up and Saving Love. In 1994, he won another Golden Tripod Award with the song Wind Blows Over Taiwan.
Recently, he concentrates his attention on teaching and music-composing. He has published up to 150 Taiwanese pop songs and 50 chorus and orchestral music, which were publicly played in National Concert Hall in 2007 and 2008.