

Joueurs de Flute Ensemble 吹笛人室內樂團


「吹笛人室內樂團」創團至今五年,除了於台灣舉行定期演奏會、發表國內外長笛新作以外,並曾於中國北京、上海、日本東京及美國拉斯維加斯等國際大 都市演出,備受各界好評。1999年「吹笛人室內樂團」受邀參加「北京國際音樂節」,與知名音樂家卡列拉斯、阿胥肯納吉、阿格麗希、麥斯基等安排於同一系 列演出,並透過衛星電視轉播到世界各地;2000年於「第二屆上海國際藝術節」中演出,成為第一個在上海大劇院演出的台灣樂團;2001年吹笛人赴日本東 京三多利音樂廳(Suntory Hall)演出,深受讚譽;2003年「吹笛人室內樂團」受到美國長笛協會的邀請,至第31屆美國全國長笛年會中演出。在這些國際的演出場合,「吹笛人室 內樂團」均演奏台灣作曲家的長笛作品,將台灣現代長笛音樂作品推廣到國際樂壇。


JOUEURS DE FLÛTE ENSEMBLE (JDFE) is founded in 1998 by a group of outstanding flutists in Taipei, Taiwan. Most founding members went to France for their advanced flute study after received their music education in Taiwan. Since it was established, JDFE has put its great efforts to promote the flute music and music education in Taiwan. All JDFE members teach flute at universities and colleges.
Since it was established, JDFE received many invitations to participate in various international music festivals. JDFE’s concert tours included many major countries in Asian and the United States, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, and Las Vegas.
JDFE’s repertoire includes important Western music from Baroque to the present, as well as representative Taiwanese contemporary flute compositions. This recording album includes two CDs: contemporary flute music of leading Taiwanese composers in the second half of the twentieth century, and popular lovable flute ensemble pieces.