莫札特:普魯士四重奏1-3號(D大調K575/降B大調K589/F大調K590) 在他生命結束之前和在缺乏金錢並且嚴重負債的情況下, 莫札特有機會拜訪普魯士費國王腓特烈.威廉二世 – 他是一個著名的藝術贊助者和一位熱心與中上程度的音樂家. 莫札特為國王表演並且在離開時帶著一些現金與一份寫一組六首弦樂四重奏的委託, 在此的是他只完成的三首. 在其中莫札特使用樂器嗓音的方式是很有開創性的. 腓特烈國王是一位維奧爾琴家轉變成大提琴家, 而這些作品有許多給大提琴演奏的旋律, 經常出現在一個高音域, 因此將大提琴的低音聲部(bass line)擬人化而且帶入一種比較均勻混合的格調. 多利克弦樂四重奏在他們的那一世代被確認為是最先驅的四重奏之一, 不但享譽全球而且在全世界各地的音樂節和音樂廳演奏過. 此四重奏是Chandos唱片公司的專屬藝人, 出版過幾張錄音作品獲得各界的好評並得過幾個聲望很高的獎項. Towards the end of his life, short of money and heavily in debt, Mozart had the opportunity to visit King Friedrich Wilhelm II of Prussia – a famous patron of the arts and a keen and above-average musician. Mozart performed for the King and left with some cash and a commission for a set of six string quartets, of which these are the only three he completed. They are ground-breaking in the way in which Mozart utilised the voicing of the instruments. King Friedrich was a viola da gamba player turned cellist, and these works feature extensive melodies for the cello, usually in a high register, thus emancipating the cello from the bass line and introducing a more evenly blended texture. Firmly established as one of the leading quartets of their generation, the Doric String Quartet enjoys a worldwide reputation and has performed at festivals and concert halls around the globe. Exclusive Chandos artists, the Quartet has drawn widespread critical acclaim for its recordings and won a number of prestigious awards.
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