(2CD)巴哈: 布蘭登堡協奏曲 柏林古樂學會樂團演奏巴哈的音樂已經很久了. 在2019年出版了令人印象深刻的巴哈小提琴協奏曲全集(HMM902335.36)之後, 這張專輯歡迎伊莎貝拉.佛斯特與安東尼.塔梅斯提的加入. 從在1990年後期的首次錄音之後(HMG501634.35), 此樂團定期的回歸靈感源源不絕的巴哈布蘭登堡作品. 這些柏林的音樂家們已經達到精通不只一件, 而是六件作品, 在他們手指下彈奏的是熱愛舞蹈, 透明的聲音與自由, 連續的音樂劇院作品. 這又是一次令人振奮的經驗. Johann Sebastian Bach and the Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin go back a long way together! This recording, made with the welcome participation of Isabelle Faust and Antoine Tamestit, follows the complete violin concertos (2019), which left a lasting impression. Returning regularly to the inexhaustible source of the Brandenburgs ever since a memorable first recording in the late 1990s, the Berlin musicians have achieved a sovereign mastery of what is not a single work, but six, which, under their fingers, are successive episodes of a piece of musical theatre in love with dance, transparent sound and freedom. An exhilarating experience!
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