莫札特:獻給約瑟夫·海頓的弦樂四重奏(作品K421/狩獵,作品K458/鼓,作品K464) 在錄製了莫札特早期的四重奏和文明的'不和諧音程'作品之後, 卡薩爾斯四重奏繼續探索莫札特獻給約瑟夫·海頓的作品. 在此一位作曲家繼承另一位作曲家: 年輕的那一位已經定居於維也納並且結婚成立一個家庭, 他正經歷一段非凡的創作時期, 以他的天份美化他所接觸的每一件事物. 緊接著在他們備受好評的貝多芬四重奏系列之後, 又是一份此來自加泰隆尼亞的音樂家們帶來的令人振奮的經歷. After the early quartets and the famous 'Dissonance' Quartet, the Cuarteto Casals continues its exploration of the set of works Mozart dedicated to Joseph Haydn. Here one composer took on the mantle of the other: the younger man, who had now settled in Vienna and had just started a family, was going through an exceptional period of creativity, transfiguring everything he touched with his genius. An exhilarating experience for our Catalan musicians, following hard on the heels of their acclaimed Beethoven cycle.
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