The story of the sorceress, Armide, is an adaptation of an epic poem by Tasso: this woman traps her male victims by using the wiles of her sex, causing them to fall in love with her without returning their love, everything changes. She is overwhelmed with love which consumes her and proves her undoing. The hero, Renaud is subjugated by her erotic, corrupting, emasculating charm. Lully is also captivated by the charm of his enamoured sorceress. It is the character least expected to inspire our empathy that ultimately wins it by the beauty, emotion and expressive power of the music. |
Tragédie lyrique in a prologue and five acts by Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) Libretto by Philippe Quinault after Virgile and 'Gerusalemme Liberata' by Le Tasse Premiere : Académie Royale de Musique, 1686 Conductor: William Christie Director: Robert Carsen Les Arts Florissants Stéphanie d’Oustrac, Armide Paul Agnew, Renaud Laurent Naouri, La Haine Claire Debono, La Gloire / Phénice / Lucinde Isabelle Druet, La Sagesse / Sidonie / Mélisse Nathan Berg, Hidraot Marc Mauillon, Ubalde / Aronte Marc Callahan, Artémidore Andrew Tortise, Le Chevalier danois 168 mins |
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