A choir of young Dominicans conducted by Father Thomas sings solemn vespers in Latin in honour of St Dominic, founder of the order, in the Hamburg Dominican church of St Sophien. The order, which celebrates its 800th anniversary in 2016, has a long tradition in chorale singing. In 1256, the General Chapter – the highest instance in the Dominican order – adopted its own liturgy which remained the only valid form for Dominicans until the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). The hymns and anthems on this CD continue to be sung by members of Dominican order in their liturgical prayer worldwide until today. The Latin chants are in exciting dialogue with the organ improvisations by Thierry Mechler. |
THIERRY MECHLER Thierry Mechler Entrata festiva(04:02) Schola der Dominikaner | fr. Thomas Möller OP Deus in adjutórium meum inténde(00:42) Thierry Mechler Gaude Mater Ecclésia (Intonation)(01:48) Schola der Dominikaner | fr. Thomas Möller OP Hymnus Gaude Mater Ecclésia(02:32) Thierry Mechler Antiphon Pie Pater Dominice (Intonation)(01:38) Schola der Dominikaner | fr. Thomas Möller OP Antiphon Pie Pater Dominice & Psalmus 110 (109)(02:30) Thierry Mechler Intermezzo I: Antiphon Pie Pater Dominice(01:10) Schola der Dominikaner | fr. Thomas Möller OP Psalmus 112 (111)(02:41) Thierry Mechler Intermezzo II: Antiphon Pie Pater Dominice(01:30) Schola der Dominikaner | fr. Thomas Möller OP Psalmus 113 (112) & Antiphon Pie Pater Dominice(02:48) Schola der Dominikaner | fr. Thomas Möller OP Lectio brevis: Phil 1,3-4.7-8(01:02) Thierry Mechler O spem miram (Intonation)(02:13) Schola der Dominikaner | fr. Thomas Möller OP Responsorium O spem miram(03:15) Thierry Mechler Fra Angelico (Meditation)(05:18) Thierry Mechler Magne Pater (Intonatio festiva)(01:54) Schola der Dominikaner | fr. Thomas Möller OP Antiphon Magne Pater & Magnificat(04:12) Schola der Dominikaner | fr. Thomas Möller OP Pater noster(01:18) Schola der Dominikaner | fr. Thomas Möller OP Oratio & Benedíctio(01:31) Thierry Mechler Salve Regina (Intonation)(02:21) Schola der Dominikaner | fr. Thomas Möller OP Salve Regina(02:54) Thierry Mechler O Lumen (Intonation)(01:10) Schola der Dominikaner | fr. Thomas Möller OP O Lumen(01:16) Thierry Mechler O Lumen – Finale(03:50) Glockengeläut (Bell ringing)(05:08) |
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