彼得.尼科拉奈克 男高音
克利斯多佛.富蘭克林 指揮
彼得.尼科拉奈克(Petr Nekoranec)的閃耀星途從2017年元月25歲時在西班牙巴塞隆納利塞奧大劇院(Gran Teatre del Liceu)舉行的聲望很高的費納斯Francesco Vinas)國際歌唱大賽贏得大獎並獲得夢寐以求的多明哥獎開始. 在慕尼黑巴伐利亞國立歌劇院和兩年在紐約大都會歌劇院林德曼(Lindermann)青年藝術家培育計畫的學習擴展了他的經驗, 讓他準備好征服華麗歌劇的世界. 尼科拉奈克的這首張專輯, 特色是法國詠嘆調, 在經驗豐富的克利斯多佛.富蘭克林(Christopher Franklin)指揮捷克愛樂管弦樂團演奏下錄製, 再次證明了他是個極富有天分的聲樂家. 由於他輕快, 高度彈性的男高音, 讓他能輕易精通最具挑戰性的義大利花腔(coloraturas)曲目, 同時他的音樂直覺自然的將他帶入法國歌劇, 富涵大量深刻而微妙的情感(例如:比才歌劇(採珠人, Les pecheurs de perles)納迪爾(Nadir)詠嘆調(令我無法忘懷的歌聲, Je crois entendre encore)), 有戀愛的感覺和狂野的歡樂. 他成功的用出色的曲調, 簡單和合理性來傳遞所有的細節, 就好像沒有甚麼比唱歌更容易的事. … 啊, 我的朋友們, 這是多麼愉快的假日(Ah! Mes amis, quel jour de fete)!.
Recorded at the Rudolfinum, Prague, 20 – 22 August, 2019
His star has to date blazed the brightest in January 2017, when, at the age of 25, Petr
Nekoranec won the prestigious Concurso Francesco Viñas at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in
Barcelona, where he also received the coveted Placido Domingo Prize. Two years of studies
in New York within the Metropolitan Opera's Lindemann Young Artist Development
Program expanded his experience from the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich, preparing him
for conquering the world of grand opera. The present Nekoranec debut album, featuring
French arias, and made with the Czech Philharmonic and the seasoned conductor
Christopher Franklin, serves as yet more proof that he is a singer of extraordinary talent.
Owing to his light, highly flexible tenor, Petr safely masters even the most challenging
virtuoso coloraturas of the Italian repertoire, while his infallible musical intuition has
naturally led him to French opera, harbouring a plethora of profound and delicate emotions
(Nadira's aria "Je crois entendre encore" from Bizet's Les pêcheurs de perles), amorous
feelings, as well as wild merriment. Petr Nekoranec has succeeded in conveying all the
nuances with a remarkable airiness, simplicity and plausibility. As if there were nothing as
easy as singing ... Ah! Mes amis, quel jour de fête!
JULES MASSENET (1842–1912)
1. O nature pleine de grâce (Werther, Act 1) 5:19
La Belle Hélène
2. Au mont Ida (Pâris, Act 1) 3:58
CHARLES GOUNOD (17. 6. 1818 – 18. 10. 1893)
Roméo et Juliette
3. Ah! Lève-toi, soleil! (Roméo, Act 2) 4:43
4. Ange adorable (Roméo, Juliette, Act 1) 4:55
La fille du régiment
5. Pour me rapprocher de Marie (Tonio, Act 2) 3:40
6. Ah! Mes amis, quel jour de fête! (Tonio, Act 2) 4:13
GEORGE BIZET (1838–1875)
Les pêcheurs de perles
7. Je crois entendre encore (Nadir, Act 1) 4:42
HECTOR BERLIOZ (1803–1869)
Les Troyens
8. O blonde Cérès (Iopas, Act 4) 4:35
LÉO DELIBES (1836–1891)
9. Prendre le dessin d'un bijou… Fantaisie aux divins mensonges (Gérald, Act 1) 5:41
CHARLES GOUNOD (1818–1893)
10. Salut! Demeure chaste et pure (Faust, Act 3) 5:59
JULES MASSENET (1842–1912)
11. En fermant les yeux (Des Grieux, Act 2) 3:46
ÉDOUARD LALO (1823–1892)
Le roi d'Ys
12. Puisqu'on ne peut fléchir… Vainement ma bien aimée (Mylio, Act 3) 3:39 |