
蕭邦: 第一第二號鋼琴協奏曲(室內樂版) 大衛·里夫利 鋼琴 巴黎-坎比尼四重奏 David Lively / Quatuor Cambini-Paris / Chopin: Concertos for Piano & String Quintet

蕭邦: 第一第二號鋼琴協奏曲(室內樂版) 大衛·里夫利 鋼琴 巴黎-坎比尼四重奏	David Lively / Quatuor Cambini-Paris / Chopin: Concertos for Piano & String Quintet
蕭邦: 第一第二號鋼琴協奏曲(室內樂版) 大衛·里夫利 鋼琴 巴黎-坎比尼四重奏	David Lively / Quatuor Cambini-Paris / Chopin: Concertos for Piano & String Quintet
專輯編號: AP204
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2019
國際條碼: 5051083143431
音樂廠牌: Aparté
庫存狀態: 有庫存
   - 或 -   

蕭邦: 第一第二號鋼琴協奏曲(室內樂版)
大衛·里夫利 鋼琴

蕭邦的兩首鋼琴協奏曲是在他只有二十多歲而且是雄心勃勃的獨奏家時候寫的. 此曲強大而富有挑戰性, 在浪漫的空間中也發出敏感的熱情. 這兩種特性在這專輯中用室內樂方式演奏和古樂器詮釋而被凸顯出來.

承襲了蕭邦鋼琴教學的傳統, 鋼琴家大衛.里夫利選擇了一部艾哈德古鋼琴(Erard piano)來錄製這兩首協奏曲. 在弦樂五重奏伴奏下, 他使這類型的音樂傳統復活了: 在大型音樂廳演奏之前, 像蕭邦一樣的作曲家兼鋼琴家們會將他們最新的作品在音樂愛好者的沙龍廳演奏. 用弦樂器所能涵蓋的音域程度和古鋼琴豐富的聲音來演奏兩首協奏曲作品仍然可達到如同交響樂曲般的效果.

這是一片追求真實的音樂和音樂家的作品, 也是給樂迷們的禮物.

Chopin's Piano Concertos are works of a twenty-year old composer and ambitious soloist. Powerful and challenging, their romantic dimension also carries sensitive effusions. This duality is highlighted here by an interpretation on period instruments in a chamber version.

Choices that are as many clues to recognize the musicians from the Cambini-Paris Quartet and their accomplices: Pianist David Lively and Double bassist Thomas de Pierrefeu.

Direct heir to Chopin's piano teaching legacy, David Lively chose a vintage Erard piano to record both Concertos. Accompanied by a string quintet, he revives the tradition of the genre: before being performed in big concert halls, composers and pianists like Chopin played their latest scores in music lovers' salons. The broad ambitus covered by the strings and the richness of the sound of the pianoforte respect the symphonic dimension of those two pieces.

A musical quest for fidelity and authenticity to music and musicians, and a gift for the listeners!
Concerto pour piano no 2 en fa mineur, op. 21 (1829)
Piano Concerto no.2 in F-minor, op.21
1. Maestoso
2. Larghetto
3. Allegro vivace

Concerto pour piano no 1 en mi mineur, op. 11 (1830)
Piano Concerto no.1 in E-minor, op.11
4. Allegro maestoso
5. Romance Larghetto
6. Rondo Vivace

David Lively, piano

Quatuor Cambini-Paris
Julien Chauvin, Karine Crocquenoy, violon
Pierre-eric Nimylowycz, alto
Atsushi Sakaï, violoncelle

Thomas de Pierrefeu, contrebasse

