吉爾‧夏漢非常喜愛與欣賞薩拉沙泰(Pablo de Sarasate, 1844~1908)的小提琴作品. 在薩拉沙泰逝世一百年的2008年, 夏漢與他的太太小提琴家愛黛兒‧安東尼(Adele Anthony)一起用多場音樂會表演的好機會來向這位令人敬仰的音樂家作品致敬. 此片包含一場在紐約林肯中心的音樂會, 同時在公共電視台(PBS)現場實況向北美地區播放. 當年的紀念活動之一是在薩拉沙泰家鄉的西班牙瓦拉多利德的薩拉沙泰音樂節(Sarasateada Valladolid). 這音樂節包含為了錄製發行此專輯的室內與管弦樂音樂會.
Gil Shaham has a deep affinity and appreciation for the violin works of Pablo de Sarasate. Sarasate's centenary year in 2008, presented Gil and his wife, violinist Adele Anthony, a welcome opportunity to dedicate numerous concert performances to this revered musician's works. This included a concert at the Lincoln Center in New York, which was broadcast live on PBS (public television) in North America. Also as part of the year's festivities was 'Sarasateada', a Sarasate Festival in Valladolid, in Sarasate's native Spain. This festival included concerts both chamber and orchestral were recorded for this forthcoming release.
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