
義大利協奏曲 Concerto Italiano | Rinaldo Alessandrini | Trent’anni a Roma

義大利協奏曲 Concerto Italiano | Rinaldo Alessandrini | Trent’anni a Roma
專輯編號: OP30563
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2014
音樂廠牌: NAIVE
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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"“I don’t know what I would have done in life if I hadn’t decided to become a musician. I’d like to say that I wasn’t capable of doing oth-erwise; but I’m aware that to do so is too easy and too banal. Concerto Italiano has been for thirty years my voice, my passion, the avowal of inexpressible desires and unconfessable sins. And the voice of those who have wanted to stay alongside me. It has been the scene of encounters for dozens of musicians whose eyes have not met in vain. It has been the scene of struggles, defeats, and victories. Now it is the place where the past thirty years constitute the reason to look to the next thirty. Now it is clear that what we were doing was not comprehensible at the moment we were doing it. Now it is clear that the past thirty years were essential for us to understand that our passion was not ephemeral or transitory. We were forming our lives through music and that form is not yet complete. Tomorrow we can look behind us and decide to do what we haven’t done up to now. That’s what the first thirty years have been for: to understand that we’re only halfway along the path.” --R.A."
