尤蘇.安多爾 / 歷史
尤蘇.安多爾是來自於塞內加爾達喀爾市(Dakar)梅迪納自治區的小王子, 受到整個大陸的聲音, 氣氛與成功經驗的影響, 他在廣泛的非洲地區成長與演進. 若不是安多爾的音樂素養是扎根於母親的音樂傳統和阿馬杜‧班巴(Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba)創立的懋立兄弟會(Mouride brotherhood)的價值觀教育, 這張(歷史)專輯會有如巴比倫通天塔(Tower of Babel)般高不可及. (註: 安多爾的母親(Ndeye Sokhna Mboup)是位在尼爾森曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)非洲奮鬥陣營中的口述歷史家(griot)). 在他與妮娜雪芮(Neneh Cherry)的永恆熱門暢銷曲(七秒鐘)發表十年後, 安多爾以他在2005年得過葛萊美獎的(埃及)專輯中的金色嗓音榮耀兄弟會的價值觀.
尤蘇.安多爾的(歷史)專輯一開始與聖諾波.希(Seinabo Sey)合唱的(Birima Remix)是和塞內加爾歷史與文化中一位神秘人物Birima Ngone Latyr 致上敬意.
A little prince of the Dakar medina since his early youth, Youssou Ndour is now growing and evolving within the wider matrix of Africa, influenced by the entire continent's sounds, moods, and successes. History would be a tower of Babel if the musical science of Youssou Ndour was not anchored in the musical traditions of his mother, Ndèye Sokhna Mboup, a griot in Nelson Mandela's fighting Africa; and in the values taught by the Mouride brotherhood, founded by Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba . Ndour honored the brotherhood's values with his golden voice on the album Egypt, which earned him a Grammy in 2005, a decade after the ever - fascinating "7 Seconds”, an absolute hit recorded with Neneh Cherry.
Youssou Ndour's history begins with a tribute to Birima Ngoné Latyr, mythical figure of the senegalese culture and history, featuring Seinabo Sey.
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