
洛杉磯吉他四重奏 /LAGQ的巴西風情 LAGQ Brazil - Los Angeles Guitar Quartet

洛杉磯吉他四重奏 /LAGQ的巴西風情 LAGQ Brazil - Los Angeles Guitar Quartet
專輯編號: SACD60686
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2017
國際條碼: 0089408068669
音樂廠牌: TELARC
庫存狀態: 有庫存
   - 或 -   

邀請曾經多次提名葛萊美奬的女歌手露西安娜·蘇薩(Luciana Souza)演唱其中的霍賓及亞薩德的作品。另外加入敲 擊樂手凱文·理查,管樂家卡諦斯.伯欽 專輯曲目中霍賓組曲(Jobim Medley) , 還特別情商巴西吉他二重奏「雅薩德兄 弟」7中的賽吉歐.亞薩德擔任編曲。為求音樂風格的融合與默契的建立, LAGQ還與歌手蘇薩進行一系列的巡迴演出,曲目涵蓋西班牙墨西哥、委內瑞拉、智利、阿根,以及本專輯中來自巴西的作品 《巴西情挑》曲目囊括爵士、巴西傳統舞蹈節奏,不僅有巴西當代作曲家特別為LAGQ創作的曲目,還有許多廣為人知的巴西名曲,包括安東尼歐·卡洛斯·霍賓 (Antonio Carlos Jobim, 1927-1994「伊班奈瑪來的女孩」原作者)、包威爾(Baden Powell, 1937-2000)、維拉-羅伯士 (Hector Villa-Lobos, 1887-1959)-以及於 被流行樂團「黑眼豆豆」翻唱的Mas Que Nada。這不僅是一次巴西音樂和吉他的跨界演出,更打破了吉他音樂刻板印象。 不僅適合對LAGQ精湛演出有所期待的人 ,或許也會因為特別選在加州,喬治·魯卡斯的「天行者」農場的錄音效果感到驚豔。

The acclaimed acoustic quartet explores the guitar's rich Brazilian heritage with the aptly titled LAGQ Brazil, their fourth Telarc recording. The album features the music of Sergio Assad, Marco Pereira, Hermeto Pascoal, Baden Powell, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Heitor Villa-Lobos and others. LAGQ Brazil marks the debut of guitarist Matthew Greif, who replaces long-time LAGQ member Andrew York and joins remaining members Bill Kanengiser, John Dearman and Scott Tennant. In addition to being an accomplished and award-winning classical guitarist, Greif has also played with many famous non-classical and jazz musicians, including Chet Atkins. LAGQ Brazil also features the rich and engaging voice of Luciana Souza, the Sao Paulo-born jazz vocalist and composer and three-time Grammy nominee. Souza joins LAGQ for Sergio Assad's "Medley" of Jobim tunes and a quartet version of Marco Pereira's "Sambadalu."

1. Mas Que Nada 3:58
2. Samba Novo 3:28
3. O Morro nao tem vez 3:33
4. Jobim Medley: Modinha 2:31
5. Jobim Medley: A Felicidade 1:50
6. Jobim Medley: Stone Flower 2:40
7. A Lenda do Caboclo 3:21
8. Bluezilian 3:05
9. Sambadalu 6:07
10. Cafezinho 4:31
11. De Sabado pra Dominguinhos 4:36
12. Preludio from Quartetice 2:46
13. Gangorra from Quartetice 3:19
14. Carlo's Dance 5:03
15. A Furiosa 3:30

