
拉希德·塔哈 我是非洲人 Rachid Taha / Je Suis Africain

拉希德·塔哈 我是非洲人	Rachid Taha / Je Suis Africain
拉希德·塔哈 我是非洲人	Rachid Taha / Je Suis Africain
專輯編號: M7062
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2019
國際條碼: 3700187670627
音樂廠牌: NAIVE
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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拉希德·塔哈 我是非洲人
以阿爾及利亞風格與搖滾,電音和龐克火熱融合風格震驚全球音樂界的拉希德·塔哈在59歲(2018年)因心臟病過世. 他是個迷人的有波西米亞外貌的人物, 受到英國搖滾樂衝擊樂團(The Clash)和北非chabbi音樂和阿爾及利亞rai民謠的影響, 他成為阿拉伯語系國家最暢銷的音樂家並且在2004年以(Rock el Casbah, 改編自衝擊樂團的Rock the Casbah)和國際熱門舞曲(Ya Rayah)兩首歌, 還有他的精力, 機智與憤慨的政治立場讓人銘記在心.
他曾經多次與戴蒙亞邦(Damon Albarn, Gorillaz樂團主唱)一起在多次非洲特快車(Africa Express)音樂會表演, 亞邦描述他是個”美麗的人, 非常調皮, 愛開玩笑, 有雙明亮的眼睛而且樂於共處. 我喜歡這個人也永遠樂意與他一起表演”.
拉希德·塔哈也曾和Brian Eno, Mick Jones, Steve Hillage, Carlos Santana等音樂界名人合作過…
他的兒子萊斯.塔哈(Lyes Taha)說”我的父親用生命的最後兩年, 以全心全力真誠真實, 毫不妥協, 日夜持續的態度製作這張 (我是非洲人)專輯. 這最後一張專輯像他一樣, 在他奇異, 瘋狂, 自由的世界. 我希望這專輯能讓拉希德·塔哈的歌詞和音樂傳播的更大聲更遙遠.
Rachid Taha, who has died of a heart attack aged 59, shook up the global music scene with his inventive and fiery fusion of Algerian styles and rock, techno and punk. An engagingly bohemian-looking figure, influenced by the Clash as well as by chaabi and rai music, he became a bestselling artist across the Arab-speaking world and will be remembered for Rock el Casbah, his 2004 treatment of the Clash song Rock the Casbah and for his international dance hit Ya Rayah, as well as for his energy, angry political stance and wit.
He appeared alongside Damon Albarn at many Africa Express events, and Albarn described him as “a beautiful person, very naughty, impish and with bright eyes and generous with his time. I just loved him and always enjoyed performing with him.”
Rachid also collaborated with Brian Eno, Mick Jones, Steve Hillage, Carlos Santana…
"My father spent the last two years of his life working on this album, "I Am African". With his heart and all his soul. Intensely, sincerely, without compromise. Many days and as many nights. This very last album looks like him, in his singularity, in his madness, in his freedom. I hope it will help to make Rachid Taha's words and music sound louder and farther away." Lyes Taha
"I Am African", to be released this fall.
1 Ansit
2 Aïta
3 Minouche
4 Je Suis Africain
5 Wahdi (feat Flèche Love)
6 Insomnia
7 Andy Waloo
8 Striptease
9 Like A Dervish
10 Happy End

