Blues Music(藍調音樂)怎麼來的眾說紛紜,但一般認為出現的時間大約在1870年到1900年之間,源自於美國南方密西西比三角洲一帶的非洲殖民黑奴後代的勞動歌及讚美歌,深究其根源可以追朔到西非的某些民族,在美國這片土地上經過長時間演化而成。藍調音樂的曲調與歌詞大多與早期黑奴的生活與工作有關,他們在廣大的棉花田裡沒日沒夜的辛勤工作,透過這種帶著憂鬱的曲調與歌詞來表達自己的心境,或是陶侃自己。二十世紀初期被譽為「藍調之父」的W.C.Handy率先作有系統的編寫整理,但仍然沒有明確規則,直到1930年出現了所謂的12-Bars Blues(12小節藍調)之後才有規則可循(這個規則後來也成了Rock and Roll的基本規則),天性樂觀的他們開始大量透過演唱這種歌曲來排憂解悶,一些曲調活潑的藍調歌曲甚至成為派對裡快樂的泉源。
全球世界音樂大廠Putumayo的派對(Party)系列深受國際好評,2016年推出的這張以藍調音樂為主題的派對選輯,收錄了全球在打造快樂的藍調音樂領域裡的頂尖好手作品,包括了與比比金齊名,出生在密西西比州,帶領並且見證了藍調音樂進入黃金年代的國寶Albert King就貢獻了兩首暢銷曲;同樣來自密西西比,外號大駝鹿,後來開創芝加哥藍調與電子藍調的傳奇人物Johnny "Big Moose" Walker;來自芝加哥的首席藍調吉他手Lurrie Bell;來有來自德州的頂尖鋼琴女歌手Katie Webster的作品,你會發現,誰說藍調一定很憂傷,快樂的想要跳起來的藍調派對音樂全在裡面。
This musical celebration by legends of the blues will have you boogying up the Mississippi from New Orleans to Chicago. It's ironic that a style of music whose very name is the definition of sorrow and suffering can make you feel so good. The blues was born out of the African-American experience, which has been shaped by a history of oppression, discrimination and poverty. It's no wonder, then, that the blues typically addresses the struggles of daily life, one in which being left by your lover and being broke are familiar themes. The tonal structure, singing style and lyrical content of traditional blues is the quintessential outlet for expressing deep, powerful and ultimately melancholy emotions. |
1. Lurrie Bell - "I Feel So Good" 2. Albert King - "Dust My Broom" 3. James Cotton, Junior Wells, Carey Bell and Billy Branch - "Down Home Blues" 4. Johnny "Big Moose" Walker - "Would You, Baby" 5. Magic Sam - "I Have The Same Old Blues" 6. Katie Webster - "Two-Fisted Mama" 7. Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown - "I Got My Mojo" 8. Big Jack Johnson - "I Wanna Know" 9. Albert King - "Albert's Groove #2" 10. Fernest Arceneaux & His Louisiana French Band - "I Don't Want Nobody" 11. Big Walter Horton - "Have A Good Time" |
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