二十世紀的俄國作曲家普羅高菲夫,自小即展露出其音樂才華、及長更藉著旅遊各地之故,獲致一國際性的地位;值得注意的是,普氏身處於極權的蘇維埃政府統治之下,卻仍能自由的出入蘇聯,受到當局極大的禮遇。《基傑少尉》管弦組曲,以音樂來描述基傑的一生,從其出生至參加軍旅生涯,樂曲風格光明傳統,不帶有太重的浪漫色彩,並融入些許的斯拉夫民謠風,相當平易近人;普氏的芭蕾舞音樂作品,亦相當引人注意,本張收錄的《石花》作品,雖不若其《羅密歐與茱麗葉》著名,但卻同樣兼具平實及戲劇性,為動聽的小品! 7.企鵝指南三星
1 Lieutenant Kije Suite, Op. 60: I. The Birth of Kije 2 Lieutenant Kije Suite, Op. 60: II. Romance 3 Lieutenant Kije Suite, Op. 60: III. The Wedding of Kije 4 Lieutenant Kije Suite, Op. 60: IV. Troika 5 Lieutenant Kije Suite, Op. 60: V. The Interment of Kije 6 Andante, Op. 50bis 7 Autumnal Sketch, Op. 8: Osenneye (Autumnal Sketch), Op. 8 8 Skaz o kammenom tsvetke (The Tale of the Stone Flower), Op. 118: Prologue: The Mistress of the Copper Mountain - Wedding Suite, Op. 126: I. Amorous Dance: Prologue: The Mistress of the Copper Mountain - Wedding Suite, Op. 126: I. Amorous Dance 9 Wedding Suite, Op. 126: II. Dance of the fiancee's girl-friends 10 Wedding Suite, Op. 126: III. Maiden's Dance 11 Wedding Suite, Op. 126: IV. Maiden's Dance 12 Wedding Suite, Op. 126: V. Wedding Dance 13 Skaz o kammenom tsvetke (The Tale of the Stone Flower), Op. 118: Scene 4: No. 19. Scene and Waltz of the Diamonds 14 Skaz o kammenom tsvetke (The Tale of the Stone Flower), Op. 118: Scene 4: No. 21. Waltz |
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