
黑色李斯特 紀堯姆·文森 鋼琴 Guillaume Vincent / Black Liszt

黑色李斯特 紀堯姆·文森 鋼琴	Guillaume Vincent / Black Liszt
黑色李斯特 紀堯姆·文森 鋼琴	Guillaume Vincent / Black Liszt
專輯編號: V5450
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2020
國際條碼: 0822186054505
音樂廠牌: NAIVE
庫存狀態: 有庫存
   - 或 -   

黑色李斯特(李斯特鋼琴獨奏曲--愛之夢/憂鬱波蘭舞曲/ 第二號敘事曲/船歌)
紀堯姆·文森 鋼琴

鋼琴紀堯姆·文森在naïve廠牌出版了拉赫曼尼諾夫:前奏曲全集(V5296, 2012年)之後, 這次回歸到現代鋼琴演奏和他自己風格的根源. 在十九世紀的初期, 李斯特從繼承十八世紀鍵盤音樂大師的複音和弦方式解脫出來, 開創了今日眾所周知的鋼琴音符斷線(broken line), 掛留音(suspension)與詩意的和諧. 紀堯姆·文森從李斯特眾多的創作中選擇了較少聽到的, 與李斯特有深厚友誼與相互尊重的蕭邦過世不久之後的1849年寫的作品. 啟發了此份節目的這些明暗對比的作品可以被認為是一位鋼琴家對另一位富有詩意想像力鋼琴作曲家的致敬.

aving devoted his first recording to the Preludes of Rachmaninov,
pianist Guillaume Vincent has returned to the sources – the roots of
the modern piano style, and his own roots as well. In the early decades of the 19th century Liszt broke
free of the polyphonic approach inherited from the keyboard masters
of the previous century, inaugurating the broken lines, suspensions of time and poetic harmonies of the
piano as we know it today. Guillaume Vincent has chosen more rarely heard works from his prolific
output, written shortly after the death in 1849 of Chopin, with whom Liszt had shared a deep
friendship and mutual admiration. The chiaroscuro pieces inspiring this programme can be seen as a
homage of the poetic imagination made by one pianist composer to another. 

franz liszt 1811-86
1 mazurka brillante, s.221 1850 4'34
2 polonaise melancolique no.1 in c minor, s.223/1 1851 13'09
liebesträume (3 nocturnes), s.541 1850
3 hohe liebe, in a flat major 6'37
4 seliger tod, in e flat major 3'24
5 oh lieb, so lang du lieben kannst, in a flat major (liebesträume) 4'47
6 polonaise no.2 in e major, s.223/2 1851 9'08
7 ballade no.1 in d flat major, s.170 1845-49 7'25
8 berceuse in d flat major, s.174 1854; 2nd version 1862 9'35
9 ballade no.2 in b minor, s.171 1853 14'18

