
行動中 歐洲聯合弦樂團 In Motion – United Strings of Europe

A multi-national ensemble performs a cosmopolitan programme

行動中 歐洲聯合弦樂團	In Motion – United Strings of Europe
專輯編號: BISSACD2529
專輯類型: SACD
發行年份: 2020
國際條碼: 7318599925295
音樂廠牌: BIS
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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18世紀馬德里的街頭, 一個在澳大利亞被汙染的核彈測試場(Maralinga), 和一首薩爾瓦多的歌提供這歐洲聯合弦樂團(United Strings of Europe, USE)專輯的一些主題. 由倫敦皇家音樂學院學生在2012年組成的這個合奏團集合了全歐洲優秀的演奏家. 藝術總監是黎巴嫩裔英國人小提琴家朱利安.阿茲庫洛(Julian Azkoul), 他率領樂團兼小提琴演奏, 安排表演節目和改編音樂給樂團演奏.
在歐洲聯合弦樂團的首張錄音作品(行動中)這張專輯中, 阿茲庫洛改編鮑凱里尼著名的, 喚起馬德里街頭夜晚氣氛的作品, 將原來版本的調情用流行音樂來更新. 相較之下, 在地理上和氣氛都距離相當遙遠的(馬拉林加 Maralinga), 是澳洲作曲家馬修.海因森(Matthew Hindson)強有力和令人難忘旋律的作品, 包含了客席吉他獨奏家阿馬利亞.霍爾(Amalia Hall)的表演. 此節目以由阿茲庫洛特地改編的兩件相隔了180年, 分別寫於維也納和紐西蘭的弦樂四重奏作品做開頭和結尾. 顯示出此樂團獨特的聲音和跨國傳統, 還有廣泛的興趣與多樣性風格的團員, 讓這(行動中)CD聽起來有如搭乘雲霄飛車一般.

The streets of eighteenth-century Madrid; a contaminated test-bombing site in Australia and a song from El Salvador provide some of the subject matter for this album by the United Strings of Europe (USE). Formed in 2012 by students at London's Royal Academy of Music, the ensemble brings together outstanding players from across Europe. Artistic director is the Anglo-Lebanese violinist Julian Azkoul, who leads from the violin, curates programmes and arranges music for the ensemble.

For In Motion, USE's debut recording, Azkoulhas arranged Boccherini's celebrated and atmospheric evocation of the Nocturnal Music of the Streets of Madrid, in a version that updates the original's flirt with popular music. Far removed both geographically and in mood is Maralinga, Australian composer Matthew Hindson's powerful and haunting work featuring guest soloist Amalia Hall. The programme opens and closes with works for string quartet, composed some 180 years apart in Vienna and New Zealand respectively and heard in bespoke arrangements by Azkoul. Reflecting the ensemble's distinctive voice and multi-national heritage and the wide-ranging interests and stylistic versatility of its members, In Motion is a roller-coaster ride of a disc.

Franz Schubert (1797—1828), arr. Azkoul
1 ) Quartettsatz in C minor, D 703 8'34
Matthew Hindson (b. 1968)
2 ) Maralinga (2009/2011) 13'29 for solo violin and string orchestra
Luigi Boccherini (1743—1805), arr. Azkoul
3—7 ) Musica notturna delle strade di Madrid 11'02
Arturo Corrales (b. 1973)
8 ) Senores, les voy a contar… (2010) 5'05
Gareth Farr (b. 1968), arr. Azkoul
9—11 ) Mondo Rondo (1997) 11'36
TT: 50'44

