Christmas. A word that most likely takes us back to our childhood, a festive time veiled in mystery. A magical word evoking a plethora of colours, fragrances and tones. A time when perhaps everyone sings at least a few of the best-known carols, which have always been sung at home. One such, the hymn Christ The Lord Is Born, resounding in full strength and joy in churches and throughout Advent and beyond, is based on a Latin song more than half a millennium old. Many other Bohemian and Moravian carols have been sung since the 17th or 18th century. People in other European countries too have for centuries cherished songs emanating a peculiar power and magic. The most popular Yuletide songs in England include Good King Wenceslas, telling the legend of Saint Wenceslas, King of Bohemia. The present album contains more than 80 minutes of music – the most beautiful Bohemian and Moravian carols, supplemented by old Christmas songs of other European nations. They have been given a singular sound by Miroslav Venhoda, an artist who has co-formed a new performance approach to Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music. The songs featured on this recording co-created the festive atmosphere in the homes of our ancestors and still continue to evoke the mysterious Christmas time of our childhood. The most beautiful carols enhancing the festive Christmas atmosphere. |
BOHEMIAN AND MORAVIAN CAROLS 1/ Pasli ovce Valasi 2/ Dej Buh stestí 3/ Ja bych rad k Betlemu 4/ Nesem vam noviny 5/ Chtíc aby spal 6/ Pujdem spolu do Betlema 7/ Syn Bozí se nam narodil 8/ Vondrasi, Matosi 9/ Poslechnete mne malo 10/ Kristus Pan se narodil 11/ Byla cesta, byla uslapana 12/ Slyste, slyste pastuskove 13/ Detatko se narodilo 14/ Jak jsi krasne, nevinatko 15/ Narodil se Kristus Pan CAROLS OF EUROPEAN NATIONS 16/ Es ist ein Rose entsprungen 17/ Het was een maget uyt vercoren (Kerstlied) 18/ Rajske strune zadonite 19/ Kalin i mera archondes 20/ Nous etions trois bergerettes 21/ Los animales ante el Nacimiento 22/ Dormi, dormi, Bambin 23/ Izraslo mi, Giorge 24/ Entre le boeuf et l'ane gris 25/ Nu är det jul igen 26/ Jeg er sa glad hver julekveld 27/ Jezus malusienki 28/ Der Heiland ist geboren 29/ Good King Wenceslas 30/ Gloria, gloria in excelsis CAROLS OF ANCIENT EUROPE 31/ Fulgent nunc Natalitia 32/ Improvisation I. 33/ Ons is gheboren 34/ Sanctissima, mitissima 35/ Improvisation II. 36/ Ecce quod natura 37/ Dies est laetitiae 38/ Improvisation III. 39/ Illuminare, Jerusalem 40/ Stella nuova 41/ Danielis Prophetia 42/ Improvisation IV. 43/ Eja martyr Stephane 44/ Salve lux fidelium 45/ Improvisation V. 46/ Else, else, else 47/ Improvisation VI. |
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