

Lu, Yan,composer 盧炎,作曲

盧炎1930年生。曾赴美多年,隨(威廉.西德曼、喬治.克倫姆、大衛妥夫斯基)William Sydeman、George Crumb、
Mario Davidavsky等音樂大師學作曲。作品內涵極具開創性,
體裁類型多元,語言風格有前衛、有節制,且能呈現中國文人情操及個人之澹薄氣質,在美學思想上涵蓋東西之精隨,有極高的藝術成就。作品數量豐富, 代表性作品有《浪淘沙》、《鋼琴前奏曲四首》、《撫劍吟》及《家具音樂》等。潛心教學,孜孜不倦,對培養國內音樂創作人才及提升國內音樂創作水準極具貢 獻。

Born in 1930 in Nan-Jin city in mainland China, Yen Lu fled to Taiwan due to the political situation in 1949. Later he entered National Taiwan Normal University and received his formal musical education there. In 1965, he moved to the United States and studied with William Sydeman at the Mannes College of Music, New York. After he graduated from Mannes, he became a pupil of Mario Davidovsky at the City University of New York, and later he studied with George Rochberg and George Crumb at the University of Pennsylvania.
He returned to Taiwan in 1979 after his fourteen-year stay in the U.S. Today, Lu is a skillful composer who ingeniously incorporates the spirit of Eastern music into the twentieth century Western compositional style. Currently, Lu teaches composition at Soochow University.