

Chang, Tsui-Lin, flute 張翠琳,長笛

在國內畢業於國立藝術學院音樂系,求學期間曾先後師事陳澄雄、王小雯、牛效華、樊曼儂等老師。畢業後任職於國立藝術學院音樂系助教。1992年11月於國 家音樂廳演奏廳舉行個人長笛獨奏會。1993年8月獲國立藝術學院留職停薪二年,赴法進修,就讀法國巴黎師範音樂院,師事Shigenori KUDO (宮藤重典)。1994年獲法國巴黎師範音樂院長笛高級文憑及室內樂高級文憑。1995年8月復職於國立藝術學院音樂系。1996年12月與日本長笛家 Shigenori KUDO (宮藤重典) 於國家音樂廳同台演出長笛二重奏。之後亦舉辦多場巡迴獨奏會,1999-2003年隨吹笛人室內樂團遠赴大陸參加北京藝術節、上海藝術節、日本三多力音樂 廳演出及國內各地巡迴演出。2003年赴德演出。

Ms. Chang graduated from National Institute of the Arts’ music department, and studied under the guidance of Cheng- Hsiung Chen, Hsiao-Wen Wong, Hsiao-Hua Niu, and Man-Nong Fan. After her graduation, she became a teacher’s assistance at National Institute of the Arts’ music department. In November 1992, she held a flute recital at the National Concert Hall’s recital hall. In August 1993, she was granted a leave of absence by National Institute of the Arts for two years, and went to Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris to further her education, and studied under Shigenori Kudo. In 1994, she received Diplome superrieur from the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris for flute and chamber music. August 1995, she returned to National Institute of the Arts’ music department. In December 1996, she performed flute duo with Japanese flutist, Shigenori Kudo, at the National Concert Hall. After this performance, she held many recitals and toured to various places, and from 1999 to 2003, she traveled with JOUEURS DE FLUTE ENSEMBLE to China to participate in Beijing Art Festival, Shanghai Art Festival, and performed in Suntory Hall of Japan, and also toured in various cities of Taiwan. In 2003, she traveled to perform in Germany.