

Lan, Yu-Hsien, flute 藍郁仙,長笛

台中市人,民國八十三年畢業於國立藝專音樂科,師事樊曼儂、黃貞瑛,之後前往巴黎深造。1996年獲巴黎師範音樂院長笛高級演奏文憑,以及1997年巴黎 市立十二區音樂院長笛高級演奏第一獎及裁判一致通過榮譽,師事Ch. Cherret,Sh. Kudo, C. Cantin。在法期間,曾參加知名長笛家的音樂營大師課,如Adorjan、Alirol、Cantin、Larde以及作曲家Jean Francaix親自指導,並受其邀請演出其室內樂作品。1997年獲法國婦女藝術聯盟國際音樂大賽室內樂高級組及榮譽組的第一獎。回國後,於1998、 1999年舉辦數場長笛獨奏會,並受邀參與樂團或室內樂的音樂演出,現任教於各大專院校。

Native of Taichung, Taiwan. After graduating first of the class for woodwinds from the National Taiwan Academy of Arts Music Department, studied under Man-Nong Fan and Cheng-Yin Huang, she continued flute studying in Paris. In 1996, she received the Diplome Superieur d’Execution de Flute from the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris. And in 1997, she received the 1st prix of Premier Prix de Superieur de Flute avec Le Mention l’unanimit from Conservatoire du 12eme arr. de Paris. During these 3 years in France, she studied under Ch. Cherret, Sh. Kudo, C. Cantin. She attended master classes of some festivals, and was instructed by Andra Adorjan, Georges Alirol, Catherine Cantin, Christian Larde, and composer Jean Francaix, and was invited by Jean Francais to perform his ensemble piece. She has also won awards in 1997 as follows: 1er Prix degre Superieur Musique de Chambre en forme de Duo Flute et Harpe, au Concours Internationaux de Musique de L‘U.F.A.M.. And 1er Prix degre Honneur Musique d‘ensemble en forme de Sextuor au Concours Internationaux de Musique de L‘U.F.A.M. After her return to Taiwan in 1997, she held many flute recitals in 1998 and 1999, and was invited to perform with orchestras and ensembles. Now she teaches at music departments and classes at National Chunghua Senior High School, National Nantou High School, Taichung Private Hsin-Ming High School, Yunlin Private Zhang-Hsin High School, Ching-Shui Jr. High School, and Eternal Life Christ College.