

Lin, Yi-Hui, flute 林薏蕙,長笛

畢業於國立藝術學院音樂系。1995年獲法國巴黎師範音樂院(Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris)最高演奏家文憑(Concertiste)及法國國立Rueil-Malmaison 音樂院高級演奏家文憑第一獎、室內樂第一獎。曾師事牛效華、樊曼儂老師及目前為法國國立管絃樂團首席長笛Philippe Pierlot,朗帕爾高徒工藤重典,並多次受教於Aurèle Nicolet,Andras Adorjan與Robert Aitken等名師。曾多次內外比賽獲獎,1994年獲國際婦女藝術家聯盟(U.F.A.M.)比賽第一獎並獲全體裁判一致通過及參加國際布達佩斯長笛一 賽,進入複賽資格。1997年8月入選受邀參加第四屆國際神戶長笛大賽。1995年返國至今,多次舉行獨奏會、參與多項音樂節活動、獲選台灣省立交響樂團 主辦之樂壇新秀系列音樂會;並積極參與室內樂演出。現任教於交通大學音樂研究所、台北巿立師範學院、國立台北師範學院、新竹師範學院、文化大學等校。

Ms. Lin graduated from the National Institute of the Arts’ music department. In 1995, she received Diplome superrieur
de Concertiste from the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, and 1st prix de concertiste and musique de chambre from the Conservatoire Nationale e Region de Rueil-Malmaison. She has studied under Hsiao-Hua Niu, Man-Nong Fan, and Philippe Pierlot (the principle flutist of the Orchestre National de France), and one of Maestro Rampal’s excellent students, Shigenori Kudo, and Ms. Lin was also taught many times by virtuosos such as Aurèle Nicolet, Andras Adorjan, and Robert Aitken. Having won many competitions locally and internationally, she also won the first place of the UFAM competition, and was also the first place by unanimous agreement of the judges at the first stage of International Flute Competition in Budapest, and entered into higher level of the competition. In August 1997, she was invited to participate in the Fourth International Kobe Flute Competition. Since her return to Taiwan in 1995, she has held many recitals, and participated in many music festivals, and was selected by the Taiwan Symphony Orchestra for the new artist series music concerts. Ms Lin also enthusiastically partakes in ensemble performances. Now she teaches at Institute of Music at the National Chiao-Tung University, Taipei Municipal Teachers College, National Taiwan Normal University, National Hsin Chu Teachers College, Culture University, etc...