

Ma, Hsiao-Pei, flute 馬曉珮,長笛

1995年獲得巴黎師範音樂院Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris最高長笛演奏家文憑Diplome superrieur de Concertiste de flute,師事Mr.Cheret。
1994年獲法國國立凡爾賽音樂院Nationale de Region Ville de Versailles長笛高優等班金牌第一獎Diplome superrieur prix d’honorer。獲巴黎Lutecc 長笛比賽第二名,師事Mr.Varache。
第一名畢業於國立藝專音樂科管樂組National Taiwan Academy of Arts Music Department,師事樊曼儂老師Man-Nong Fan。在法期間,隨巴黎歌劇院木管五重奏,在法國多省、希臘等地巡迴演出。並於1995年1-5月任教巴黎,烏特涅‧馬力伯市市立音樂院。
自1995年返國,隨即通過省教育廳「樂壇新秀」之甄選於台中縣、新竹市兩地演出,並於1996年於國家音樂廳舉辦獨奏會。之後常與國內各大音樂 團體合作、協奏演出,包括唐律長笛室內樂團、作曲家聯盟、台灣省交,是一位目前國內非常活躍的長笛演奏家。目前任教於東海大學音樂系、台中師院、台南師院 音教系。

In 1995, Ms. Ma received the Diplome superrieur de Concertiste de flute from Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, and studied under Mr. Cheret. In 1994, she was awarded Diplome superrieur prix d’honorer from the Conservatoire Nationale de Region Ville de Versailles. She also won the second prize at the Paris Lutecc Flute Competition, and studied under Mr. Varache. She graduated first of the wind instrument group of the National Taiwan Academy of Arts Music Department, and studied under Man-Nong Fan. During her time in France, she toured with the Paris Opera House Woodwind Quintet to many provinces in France, and Greece. From January till May of 1995, she taught at Paris, City Music Hall. In 1995, she returned to Taiwan, and immediately passed the National Education Hall’s “New Artist” audition, and performed in Taichung County and Hsin Chu City, and also in 1996, she held a recital at the National Concert Hall. After this, she participated in many concerto performances with many local music groups, including: Tone-melody Flute Ensemble, Composition Alliance, and Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. Currently, she is a very active flutist in Taiwan, and teaches at TungHai University Music Department, Taichung Teachers College, and the Music Department of the Tainan Teachers College.