


德國 Orfeo 官方網站


ORFEO is a record label from Germany, best known for releasing live recordings of German orchestras and artists. Their historic series 'Orfeo d'Or' has made available a huge number of important archives including those of the Salzburger Festspiele, the Bayreuther Festspiele, the Bayerische Staatsoper and the Wiener Staatsoper. More recently they have started releasing some recordings with some high profile young artists such as violinist Arabella Steinbacher and conductor Andris Nelsons.

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華格納:樂劇選集 邁克爾·沃勒 男中音 / Michael Volle / Wagner
The roles featured on this CD are, in more ways than one, truly great ones;..
華格納:歌劇(漂泊的荷蘭人) 沙瓦利許  指揮 拜魯特節慶管弦樂團暨合唱團	Wolfgang Sawallisch / Wagner: The Flying Dutchman Bayreuther Festspiele 1959/8/5
The slimmest Senta in the world Although Wagner himself made i..
華格納:《尼貝龍指環》全集 (13CD) Wagner:Der Ring des Nibelungen
華格納:女武神第一幕 Wagner:Die Walküre: Act 1
華格納:尼貝龍根指環 Rudolf Kempe / Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen
Richard Wagner's Ring had been performed in the highly reduced version by W..
華格納:歌劇《紐倫堡名歌手》(克納佩茲布許 / 拜魯特節慶管弦樂團) Wagner Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
Hans Knappertsbusch's 1960 Meistersinger from the Bayreuth Festival bene..
華格納:歌劇《羅恩格林》(克納佩茲布許 / 巴伐利亞國家管弦樂團) Richard Wagner Lohengrin
This is the kind of lucky find of which collectors and producers dream. ..
華格納:歌劇《羅恩格林》 Wagner:Lohengrin
華格納:歌劇「仙女」、「戀愛禁令」、「黎恩濟」 Wagner: Die Feen, Das Liebesverbot & Rienzi
仙女 Linda Esther Gray (Ada), Kari Lövass (Farzana), Krisztina Laki (Zemina), John Alexander (A..
華格納:歌劇「唐懷瑟」Wagner: Tannhäuser
"The first performance of a series, they say, isn’t always the best. But this basic tenet of the ..