


瑞典 BIS 官網連結

BIS公司由瑞典人羅勃‧馮‧巴爾(Robert Von Bahr)於1974年創立,因地緣與文化背景的關係,致力於北歐及蘇俄作曲家作品,如葛利格、西貝流士、尼爾森等人都是錄製的重點,至今已出版千餘張CD,榮獲英國留聲機大獎、企鵝三星帶花、企鵝三星…等不勝枚舉,是瑞典首屈一指的古典唱片公司。 

BIS Records was founded in 1973 by Robert von Bahr, with the aim of helping world-class Swedish musicians to reach international audiences. Starting out with a Revox tape-recorder, two state-of-the-art microphones and a pair of non-magnetic scissors he immediately impressed connoisseurs by the natural sound of his recordings, and single-handedly built up a catalogue that could be exported all over the world.


Now in its 35th year, BIS is a flourishing and much respected label with more than 1.400 titles in stock – the only large record label to keep all its recordings constantly available. Going against the trend of the classical music business, BIS is expanding in various ways. With its present staff of 14 – including no less than six recording producers – BIS has become a leading player, yearly undertaking some 60 productions recorded all over the world: from Brazil to Japan, from Iceland to Australia.

This development is partly due to the universally recognized superior sound quality of its recordings, which include a growing number of high fidelity surround sound productions. The company’s reputation has attracted an impressive list of artists, including young high profile soloists such as pianist Yevgeny Sudbin and clarinettist Martin Fröst.

Another explanation lies in the label’s versatility. Ongoing projects include one of the most respected cycles of Bach Cantatas with period band Bach Collegium Japan as well as the highly praised series of Beethoven Symphonies with Osmo Vänskä and the Minnesota Orchestra. But at the same time, BIS is one of the liveliest contemporary music labels, promoting composers such as Schnittke and Kalevi Aho, as well as the Scandinavian music label par excellence – the jewel in the crown being the ongoing complete edition of the works by Sibelius.

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巴爾托克: 交響協奏曲 - 給弦樂、打擊樂與鋼片琴的音樂 蘇珊娜.馬爾契 指揮 赫爾辛基愛樂樂團	Susanna Malkki / Bartok – Concerto for Orchestra
巴爾托克:交響協奏曲 - 給弦樂、打擊樂與鋼片琴的音樂 蘇珊娜.馬爾契 指揮 赫爾辛基愛樂樂團 ..
巴爾托克: 木頭王子/奇異的滿州大人 蘇珊娜.馬爾契 指揮 赫爾辛基愛樂樂團	Susanna Malkki / Bartok – The Wooden Prince
蘇珊娜.馬爾契  指揮 赫爾辛基愛樂樂團 錄音地點 芬蘭赫爾辛基音樂中心 Helsinki Philharmonic Orchest..
巴爾托克: 獨幕歌劇(藍鬍子的城堡) 蘇珊娜.馬爾契 指揮 赫爾辛基愛樂樂團	Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra / Bartok - Bluebeard's Castle
巴爾托克: 獨幕歌劇(藍鬍子的城堡) 蘇珊娜.馬爾契 指揮 赫爾辛基愛樂樂團 Composed in..
巴特沃斯:管弦作品 (詹姆士.拉塞福, 男中音 / 克里斯.拉斯曼, 指揮 / BBC威爾斯國家管弦樂團) Butterworth:Orchestral Works (James Rutherford, baritone / BBC National Orchestra of Wales / Kriss Russman)
喬治.巴特沃斯1914年進入英國陸軍服役,當時他最新的作品包含選自《舒洛普郡少年》的六首連篇歌曲以及《舒洛普郡少年狂想曲》,這兩套樂曲皆是以英國詩人阿弗瑞德.愛德華.豪斯曼(A. E. Hous..
巴西舞蹈	Dancas Brasileiras
"Es wird flott und beschwingt, wohl- und volltonend musiziert." Klassik-Heu..
巴黎人的單簧管音樂 麥可.柯林斯 單簧管 小川典子 鋼琴	Michael Collins, Noriko Ogawa / La Clarinette Parisienne
巴黎人的單簧管音樂(德布西/聖桑/浦朗克/魏多) 麥可.柯林斯 單簧管 小川典子 鋼琴 Up unt..
布列頓:弦樂四重奏 Britten:String Quartets
布列頓:弦樂四重奏第三集 Britten:Simple Symphony; String Quartet in F, etc. ·
BIS 布列頓弦樂四重奏作品最後一集,收錄作曲家在1928年4月到1934年2月的五首作品,最早的作品是學生時代14歲時就完成的F大調弦樂四重奏,六年後他已經是倫敦皇家音樂院的學生,此時他開始踏..
布列頓:弦樂團作品 Britten:Works for String Orchestra
布列頓:第一、三號弦樂四重奏 Britten:String Quartets Nos 1 & 3
本身就是擅長弦樂演奏加上對室內樂的熱愛,布列頓在學生時代和剛成為作曲家的時期寫了為數不少的弦樂四重奏。Alla marcia就是此時的早期作品,原本布列頓打算拿來作為組曲的一部分但是最後..