


法國 Praga 官方網站

The French label, Praga,was founded in 1991 by the musicologist and sound engineer Pierre-Émile Barbier. Its aim was to support Czech musicians following the arrival of western democracy in 1989, at which time the Supraphon label had lost its monopoly and stopped making recordings for a while. Originally, the label published historical Czech radio recordings made between 1959 and 1989 but started making new recordings in 1992 under the 'Praga Digitals' heading, using DSD recording technology and SACD - both stereo and multi-channel.

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喧囂的港口酒吧  比亞特.艾克和巴洛克合奏樂團 / Bjarte Eike / The Alehouse Sessions
1 Wallom Green - from "the English dancing master" 1651 (John Playford 1623-1..
基頓.克萊曼在布拉格 Gidon Kremer in Prague
These pieces are remembrances of some Gidon Kremer's passings through Pr..
夢醒時分 Apres Un Reve
This recording from French mezzo-soprano Karine Deshayes and Ensemble Co..
大衛歐伊斯特拉夫演奏布拉姆斯 David Oistrakh plays Brahms
The trilogy of Brahms sonatas, written in full maturity, has become the ..
巴拉基列夫:第一及第二號交響曲 卡拉揚指揮倫敦愛樂 / Karajan / Mily Balakirev / Russian Symphonies
布拉姆斯:法國號三重奏op.40、小夜曲op.11(九重奏改編版) Brahms:Serenade No. 1 Op.11 - original version for Nonet、Trio for Horn Op.40
布拉姆斯:第二號鋼琴協奏曲、第三號交響曲 Brahms:Piano Concerto No.2 & Symphony No.3
布魯克納:第九號交響曲 福特萬格勒 指揮 / Furtwangler / Bruckner / Symphony No. 9
Wilhelm Furtwängler has left us with 112 live concert recordings. Many conn..
布魯克納:第五號交響曲 尤金.約夫姆 指揮 / Eugen Jochum conducts Bruckner
Eugen Jochum conducts the Amsterdam Concertgebouw in Bruckner's Fifth Symph..