


法國 MIRARE 官方網站

This boutique French label features a number of world-renowned performers, including pianists Zhu Xiao-Mei, Iddo Bar-Shai, Boris Berezovsky, Claire Desert, Shani Diluka, Brigitte Engerer, Philippe Giusiano, Anne Queffelec, Emmanuel Stosser, harpsichordist Pierre Hantai, Trio Chausson, Ricercar Consort, singers including countertenor Carlos Mena and baritone Jerome Correas, orchestras and ensembles directed by Michel Corboz, John Nelson – and many other fine musicians. Beautifully recorded and packaged, Mirare CDs are highly praised and much awarded.

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杜波特:大提琴協奏曲 哈斐爾.皮度 大提琴 	Raphael Pidoux / Jean-Louis Duport: Concertos pour violoncelle
在浪漫時代早期,一位穿著時尚名為杜波特(Duport)的人為法國大提琴學校提供了許多充滿優雅與魅力的大師級大提琴協奏曲。在這片用古樂器的錄音作品中, 大提琴家哈斐..
杜邦:鋼琴作品 Dupont / Piano Works
"Now unjustly forgotten, Gabriel Dupont left us two large-scale cycles of piano pieces and a sumptuo..
杰哈德.佩頌: 室內樂及清唱劇 Gerard Pesson: Musique De Chambre (NoMad)
The product of a close collaboration between Instant Donne and the composer Gerard Pesson, this d..
柴可夫斯基;蕭士塔高維契:弦樂四重奏 David Oistrakh String Quartet/Tchaikovsky;Shostakovich:String Quartet No. 2 & 8 (Muso)
A new string quartet's debut recording is always a memorable occasion. And muso is particularly p..
梅湘:世界末日四重奏  哈斐爾·塞維爾 豎笛 梅湘三重奏	Raphael Severe / Trio Messiaen / Messiaen: Quatuor pour la fin du Temps & Thomas Ades: Court studies
The Quatuor pour la fin du Temps is one of the most fascinating works of th..
民謠(小提琴演奏) 托馬·李孚 小提琴 皮耶-伊夫·霍迪克 鋼琴	Thomas Lefort, Pierre-Yves Hodique / Folk
民謠 (克萊斯勒/法雅/薩拉沙泰) 托馬·李孚 小提琴 皮耶-伊夫·霍迪克 鋼琴 這張專輯是..
氣質(巴哈/莫札特) 莎妮.迪魯卡 鋼琴	Shani Diluka / C.P.E. Bach, Mozart: Temperaments
Shani Diluka takes us to the less explored path of the filial, even spiritu..
沿著羅亞爾河(法國早期作曲家合唱曲精選) 雅克現代樂團	Ensemble Jacques Moderne, Joel Suhubiette / Au Long de la Loire
Au long de la Loire is a musical portrait of the river during the Renaissan..
法國宗教合唱曲 雷聲合唱團	Vox Clamantis / Sacrum Convivium
The CD Sacrum convivium presents a vision of French music over two millenni..
波利斯.貝瑞佐夫斯基 / 布拉姆斯:第二號鋼琴協奏曲 Boris Berezovsky / Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2
Brahms's exhilarating Second Concerto is a sweeting epic combining Class..