


顯示方式: 列表 / 方格
(DVD) 歐貝:歌劇《瑪可.斯帕達》 Auber: Marco Spada
Performed in 1981 by Rudolf Nureyev and recently added to the Bolshoi's ..
(DVD) 比才:卡門 Bizet / Carmen
Stage direction & set design: Franco Zeffirelli Bizet's '..
(DVD) 沃里能:歌劇「斷背山」 Wuorinen / Brokeback Mountain
A modern Opera adaptation by Charles Wuorinen based on Annie Proulx's sh..
(DVD) 泰米卡諾夫特輯第一集  Yuri Temirkanov Vol.1
Three amazing concerts dedicated to Tchaikovsky recorded at the Théâtre ..
(DVD) 泰米卡諾夫特輯第三集  Yuri Temirkanov Vol.3
Three amazing concerts dedicated to Tchaikovsky recorded at the Théâtre ..
(DVD) 泰米卡諾夫特輯第二集  Yuri Temirkanov Vol.2
Three amazing concerts dedicated to Tchaikovsky recorded at the Théâtre ..
(DVD) 理查‧史特勞斯:依雷克特拉 Strauss / Elektra
"Elektra comes in the wake of Salome with the same dimensions (a single act lasting approximately..
(DVD) 瓊•拜雅:75歲生日紀念音樂會實況 Joan Baez 75th Birthday Celebration
  1960年代中期,美國紐約掀起一股新潮流。一羣年輕的詞曲創作者,以真誠的心唱出當代的都會良心。當時最受歡迎的就是年輕創作女歌手---瓊•拜雅。 隨後,瓊•拜雅成為耀眼巨星,..
(DVD) 穆索斯基:歌劇「波里斯.郭德諾夫」 Moussorgsky / Boris Godunov
"Child murder, scheming monks and a tsar lapsing into madness – Modest Mussorgsky spread the them..
(DVD) 莫伊謝耶夫芭蕾舞團巴黎公演 Igor Moiseyev Ballet Live in Paris
The 70 dancers of the Igor Moïsseïev Ballet take us on a journey around ..