


法國 MIRARE 官方網站

This boutique French label features a number of world-renowned performers, including pianists Zhu Xiao-Mei, Iddo Bar-Shai, Boris Berezovsky, Claire Desert, Shani Diluka, Brigitte Engerer, Philippe Giusiano, Anne Queffelec, Emmanuel Stosser, harpsichordist Pierre Hantai, Trio Chausson, Ricercar Consort, singers including countertenor Carlos Mena and baritone Jerome Correas, orchestras and ensembles directed by Michel Corboz, John Nelson – and many other fine musicians. Beautifully recorded and packaged, Mirare CDs are highly praised and much awarded.

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無言的比才(萊茵之歌鋼琴獨奏曲) 納森奈爾.郭恩鋼琴	Nathanael Gouin / Bizet - Sans Paroles
無言的比才(6首萊茵之歌/納迪爾的浪漫鋼琴獨奏曲) 納森奈爾.郭恩鋼琴 喬治.比才(1838-75)是..
狂歡節(圍繞著舒曼狂歡節的獨奏會) 馬坦.波瑞特 鋼琴	Matan Porat / A Recital Around Schumann's Carvinal Op. 9
狂歡節(圍繞著舒曼狂歡節的獨奏會,蕭邦/柴可夫斯基/葛利格等鋼琴獨奏曲) 馬坦.波瑞特 鋼琴 After "Va..
瑟吉·利亞普諾夫:十二首超技練習曲 広瀬悦子 鋼琴 / Etsuko Hirose / Sergei Lyapunov: 12 Etudes d'execution transcendante
In the history of music, many are the noteworthy composers who long remaine..
瑪麗-安.娟西/在鏡子裡-巴哈/法朗克..:鋼琴曲集 Marie-Ange Nguci/En Miroir-Franck,Escaich,Bach,Busoni,Saint-Saens
Both César Franck, Camille Saint-Saëns and Thierry Escaich represent emblematic personalities of ..
瑪麗亞&娜塔利亞.米爾絲坦/法國小提琴奏鳴曲 Maria&Nathalia Milstein/Pierne,Hahn,Saint-Saen..:La Sonate de Vinteui
At the heart of In Search of Lost Time found one of the most fascinating musical enigmas in liter..
皇后-在路易十三宮廷的西班牙歌謠 茱莉.希薇耶 指揮/大鍵琴 太陽合奏團	Ensemble El Sol, Chloe Severe / Reinas, Airs en espagnol a la cour de Louis XIII
皇后-在路易十三宮廷的西班牙歌謠 茱莉.希薇耶 大鍵琴/指揮 太陽合奏團 法國國王路易十三在..
皮耶爾.安泰雙CD套裝∼巴哈、拉摩 Pierre Hantai / Bach: Suites, sonate & sinfonia
穆索斯基:展覽會之畫|梅特納:回憶奏鳴曲|塔涅耶夫:前奏曲與賦格 Moussorgski:Tableaux d’une exposition
「未來的憂愁汪洋,只會帶給我辛勞哀傷。但,朋友啊,我不願如此死去。我想活著-能夠思考並且感受苦痛。我明白前方將會有些許歡愉,混雜著憂愁困擾」~普希金《哀歌》 俄羅斯的作曲家總會一再利用故..
第20屆法國熱狂之日音樂節 Folle Journee  (Korobeinikov 柯洛班尼可夫, 鋼琴)
"On the occasion of the 20TH edition of La Folle Journée de Nantes, Mirare publishes a set of thr..
紐伯格演奏拉威爾 Jean Frédéric Neuburger plays Ravel