


法國 MIRARE 官方網站

This boutique French label features a number of world-renowned performers, including pianists Zhu Xiao-Mei, Iddo Bar-Shai, Boris Berezovsky, Claire Desert, Shani Diluka, Brigitte Engerer, Philippe Giusiano, Anne Queffelec, Emmanuel Stosser, harpsichordist Pierre Hantai, Trio Chausson, Ricercar Consort, singers including countertenor Carlos Mena and baritone Jerome Correas, orchestras and ensembles directed by Michel Corboz, John Nelson – and many other fine musicians. Beautifully recorded and packaged, Mirare CDs are highly praised and much awarded.

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給左手的鋼琴作品集Vol.1 Oeuvres Pour La Main Gauche V.1
"An impressive display of piano works for the left hand. This young musi..
給左手的鋼琴作品集Vol.2 Oeuvres Pour La Main Gauche V.2
This first anthology of works for the left hand enables us to discover, ..
勒弗朗索瓦:室內樂作品 Lefrancois / Balnéaire
Like other composers before him (Dutilleux, Barraud, Hersant...), Lauren..
史克里亞賓:馬厝卡舞曲全集 Scriabine / Intégrale des Mazurkas
2015 Centenaire de la disparition d'Alexandre Scriabine Les 21 Mazu..
巴哈&泰勒曼:歡騰興奮的協奏曲集 / Bach & Telemann: Effervescence concertante
舒伯特: f小調幻想曲四手聯彈及其他作品-安德里亞斯.史泰爾&亞歷山大.梅尼可夫 鋼琴 / Andreas Staier,  Alexander Melnikov / Schubert: Fantasia in f minor
舒曼:藝術歌曲集'寂寞'-馬提亞斯.葛納 男中音 / Matthias Goerne / Schumann: Einsamkeit (Lonliness)
舒伯特:第13.21號鋼琴奏鳴曲-裴瑞亞涅斯.鋼琴 / Javier Perianes / Schubert: Piano Sonatas
拉威爾:達芬尼與克羅依全曲-世紀樂團,羅斯 指揮 / François-Xavier Roth / Ravel: Daphnis & Chloe (complete)
裴高雷西:聖母悼歌-露西克勞.女高音/蒂姆·米德.假聲男高音 Pergolesi: Stabat Mater
讚美詩:基督徒節日的音樂 劍橋克萊爾學院合唱團 / Choir of Clare College, Cambridge / Pangue Lingua
Continuing its series of music for th..
巴黎聖母院 聖誕彌撒 馬歇爾.佩雷斯 指揮 奧爾干農合唱團 	Ensemble Organum / Mass for Christmas Day
The rebirth of Gallican chant. During the 17th and 18th centuries, in..
(4CD)蒙台威爾第:牧歌集-繁盛藝術古樂團 / Les Arts Florissants / Monteverdi: Madrigali & Selva morale
This box set assembles the complete Monteverdi recordings that William Chri..
巴哈:觸技與賦格 (CD+目錄) (易梭瓦, 管風琴) Bach  / Toccatas & Fugues (CD-cat.)
"André Isoir has recorded the entire organ works of Bach for calliope. H..
蕭邦:大波蘭舞曲-帕斯卡.阿莫友 鋼琴(CD+目錄) / Pascal Amoyel / Chopin: Les Grandes Polonaises
拉赫曼尼諾夫:《前奏曲》全集 Rachmaninov:Preludes
蕭邦1838年一個夏天就完成他的《二十四首前奏曲》,拉赫曼尼諾夫卻花了將近二十年功夫才將其《前奏曲集》全部完成。 Rachmaninov..
拉赫曼尼諾夫:《第二號鋼琴協奏曲》/《第三號鋼琴協奏曲》Rachmaninov:Piano Concertos Nos2.3
拉赫曼尼諾夫深信,作曲家的音樂必須表達他的祖國、愛情事件、宗教,以及影響過他的書和他所愛的圖畫,可謂俄羅斯浪漫主義的最後巨擘。1901年首演的《C小調第二號鋼琴協奏曲 ..
Grieg:Concerto pour Piano-Diluka/Jensen
蕭邦:第1、2號鋼琴協奏曲 CHOPIN / Concertos pour piano
During the same soiree, Chopin played us a magnificent piano concerto, s..
巴哈:郭德堡變奏曲 (朱曉玫, 鋼琴) Bach:Goldberg Variations (Zhu Xiao-Mei, piano)
波利斯.貝瑞佐夫斯基 / 麥特涅:傳奇與詩篇
As gifted a pianist as Prokofiev, and a composer whom Rachmaninov rated ..
史克里亞賓:詩篇、奏鳴曲 Scriabin:Poems & Sonatas  (Korobeinikov 柯洛班尼可夫, 鋼琴)
海頓:弦樂四重奏 Haydn: String Quartets
Haydn: String Quartet, Op. 76 No. 4 in B flat major '..
拉赫曼尼諾夫:雙鋼琴組曲;柴可夫斯基:睡美人選粹(拉赫曼尼諾夫改編) Rachmaninov:Suites for two pianos;Tchaikovsky:Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66 (excerpts)
海頓:鋼琴奏鳴曲 (朱曉玫, 鋼琴) Haydn:Sonatas (Zhu Xiao-Mei, piano)
Piano Sonata No. 38 in F major, Hob.XVI:23 Piano Sonata No. 53 in E minor, Hob.XVI:34 And..
李斯特:詩意與宗教的和諧 Liszt:Harmonies poétiques et religieuses (10), S. 173
Along with the "années de pèlerinage", the "harmonies poétiques et religieu..
貝多芬:鋼琴奏鳴曲第17、24 &30號 Beethoven:Piano Sonatas Nos. 17, 24 & 30  (Korobeinikov 柯洛班尼可夫, 鋼琴)
貝瑞佐夫斯基彈奏李斯特作品 (Berezovsky 貝瑞佐夫斯基 / 鋼琴)
Liszt's Transcendental etudes bear the dedication “To Carl Czerny with t..
向晚樂音~舒曼、克拉拉舒曼、布拉姆斯鋼琴作品集 Abendmusik
我的羅伯特,布拉姆斯做了件很妙的事情要給你當作驚喜:他把我和你兩人曾寫過的主題改編交錯。我可以預見你將會心一笑。《克拉拉》 我唯一能做的就是不停的想你...《布拉姆斯致克拉拉》 ..
舒伯特:鋼琴奏鳴曲第18、20號 Schubert:Piano Sonatas Nos.18 & 20
孟德爾頌:第二 & 六號弦樂四重奏 Mendelssohn: String Quartets Nos. 2 & 6
Bach & Reger:Sonatas & Partitas  巴哈、雷格:無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲與組曲
布拉姆斯:鋼琴五重奏 Brahms: Piano Quintet
布拉姆斯:鋼琴作品集 Brahms:Piano Works
布拉姆斯:第二號鋼琴協奏曲 Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2
Brahms's exhilarating Second Concerto is a sweeting epic combining Class..
布拉姆斯:情歌圓舞曲、匈牙利舞曲 Brahms:Liebesliederwalzer & 10 Hungarian Dances
Piano Music for four hands could be considered as the highest expression of..
舒曼 & 李斯特:鋼琴協奏曲 Schumann & Liszt:Piano Concertos
巴哈:約翰受難曲 Bach:St John Passion, BWV245
庫普蘭:向柯列里與盧利致敬 Couperin:Apotheoses
莫札特:鋼琴作品 (朱曉玫, 鋼琴) Mozart:Piano Works (Zhu Xiao-Mei, piano)
Variations (12) on ‘Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman' in C major, K265 Piano Sonata No. 10 in C major..
蕭士塔高維契:第一、二號鋼琴協奏曲 Shostakovich:Piano Concerto Nos. 1 & 2  (Korobeinikov 柯洛班尼可夫, 鋼琴)
巴哈:六首鍵盤組曲 (朱曉玫, 鋼琴) Bach:6 Partitas BWV825 / 830 (Zhu Xiao-Mei, piano)
貝多芬、舒伯特:鋼琴奏鳴曲 (朱曉玫, 鋼琴) Beethoven & Schubert:Sonatas (Zhu Xiao-Mei, piano)
舒曼:鋼琴作品 (朱曉玫, 鋼琴) Schumann:Works for Piano (Zhu Xiao-Mei, piano)
W.F.巴哈:鍵盤協奏曲 W.F. Bach / Concertos pour clavecin
Overshadowed by his father, Johann Sebastian, and his brothers Carl Phil..
普羅高菲夫:鋼琴作品集 Prokofiev: Works for Piano
蕭士塔高維契:兩首小提琴協奏曲 Shostakovich:Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 2
莫迪里亞尼弦樂四重奏:直覺 Quatuor Modigliani: Intuition
穆索斯基:展覽會之畫|梅特納:回憶奏鳴曲|塔涅耶夫:前奏曲與賦格 Moussorgski:Tableaux d’une exposition
「未來的憂愁汪洋,只會帶給我辛勞哀傷。但,朋友啊,我不願如此死去。我想活著-能夠思考並且感受苦痛。我明白前方將會有些許歡愉,混雜著憂愁困擾」~普希金《哀歌》 俄羅斯的作曲家總會一再利用故..
巴拉基列夫:鋼琴奏鳴曲 Balakirev:Piano Sonata
莫札特的最後足跡-單簧管五重奏‧單簧管協奏曲        日本漫畫棋靈王的桑原本因坊說:圍棋需要兩個旗鼓相當的天才湊在一起,才能達到神乎..
德佛札克:第九號交響曲「新世界」 Dvorak:Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95 'From the New World'
貝多芬:鋼琴奏鳴曲全集 Beethoven:Complete piano sonatas (10CD)
莫迪里亞尼弦樂四重奏:德布西/拉威爾/聖桑 Quatuor Modigliani: Debussy, Ravel & Saint-Saens
Debussy: String Quartet in G minor, Op. 10 ..
翁斯洛:大提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲 Onslow / Sonatas for cello and piano
"Following in the footsteps of Mozart and Haydn, George Onslow invented a middle way between the Fre..
蕭士塔高維契:第五號交響曲 Shostakovich:Symphony No. 5 in D minor, Op. 47
波利斯.貝瑞佐夫斯基 / 布拉姆斯:第二號鋼琴協奏曲 Boris Berezovsky / Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2
Brahms's exhilarating Second Concerto is a sweeting epic combining Class..
方塔納:小提琴奏鳴曲 Fontana:Sonate A Violino ed altri strumenti…
2013年法國拉羅克當泰龍音樂節 La Roque d'Anthéron 2013  (Korobeinikov 柯洛班尼可夫, 鋼琴)
"The Laroque d'Antheron piano festival is regarded as the most important musical event in classic..
史克里亞賓:練習曲全集 (Korobeinikov 柯洛班尼可夫, 鋼琴)
"Grouped together in a number of collections, Scriabin's études mark out each stage of his life a..
海頓:第一、二號大提琴協奏曲 Haydn: Cello Concertos Nos. 1 & 2
海頓:弦樂四重奏, Op.76, 50 & 77 Haydn: String Quartets
"With sixty-eight works to his credit, Joseph Haydn was not only the founding father the string quar..
紐伯格演奏拉威爾 Jean Frédéric Neuburger plays Ravel
巴哈:平均律一、二冊 (朱曉玫, 鋼琴) Bach:The Well-Tempered Clavier, Books 1 & 2 (Zhu Xiao-Mei, piano)
第20屆法國熱狂之日音樂節 Folle Journee  (Korobeinikov 柯洛班尼可夫, 鋼琴)
"On the occasion of the 20TH edition of La Folle Journée de Nantes, Mirare publishes a set of thr..
巴哈:音樂奉獻 Bach / L'Offrande musicale
Sooner or later the Ricercar Consort had to confront the omnipresent spi..
杜邦:鋼琴作品 Dupont / Piano Works
"Now unjustly forgotten, Gabriel Dupont left us two large-scale cycles of piano pieces and a sumptuo..
66號公路~美國鋼琴音樂 Route 66: American Piano Music
"""Between the East of my youth and the West of my future"" From the incandescence of life to thy..
舒伯特:第21號鋼琴奏鳴曲 Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 21 (Shani Diluka)
Exploring the quintessence of musical folklore so dear to his heart, in ..
貝多芬、舒曼:鋼琴三重奏 Beethoven-Schumann / Trios
"Every composer of piano trios has tried to achieve the perilously difficult task of balancing three..
杜卡:鋼琴作品 Dukas / Oeuvres pour piano
With its combination of formal perfection and Romantic inspiration, the ..
巴哈:聖誕清唱劇 Bach / In Tempore Nativitatis
  Comme chaque année, les luthériens fêtent avec éclat et en musique Noël et les deux jo..
美國之旅 American Journey
"While under the influence of traditions from Western Europe, the American music of the twentieth ce..
2012法國狂熱之日音樂節, 3CD超值套裝 Coffret Folle Journee 2012 (3 CD)
FOLLE JOURNEE 2012 Musique Russe A.Korobeinikov, Orch. Lahti, ..
布拉姆斯:豎笛奏鳴曲 Brahms / Sonatas for clarinet
Three musician friends meet here for a programme devoted to Brahms’s musical testaments. The twen..
巴哈:英國組曲第二、六號 & 義大利協奏曲 Bach:Suites Anglaises Nos 2 & 6 & Italian Concerto
阿芙蒂耶娃彈奏蕭邦、舒伯特、普羅高菲夫 Yulianna Avdeeva play Chopin, Schubert & Prokofiev
凱薩:聖馬可受難曲 Keiser / St. Mark Passion
Passions before Bach: there were many of them, little known today. But i..
泰勒曼:巴黎四重奏 Telemann: Paris Quartets
"After two albums released by Ambronay which have received numerous awards, the Swiss baroque ensemb..
2014年法國拉羅克當泰龍音樂節 La Roque d'Anthéron 2014
"The La roque d'Antheron piano festival is regarded as the most important musical event in classi..
韓德爾歌劇《瑟蜜蕾》 Haendel / Semele
Mirare presents another fine recording by the talented ensemble Les Ombr..
舞曲四手聯彈 (耶提可二重奏) Danses à quatre mains (Duo Jatekok piano)
For their first recording on Mirare, the Duo Jatekok invites us on a str..
Chants à la vierge
1 Mass, Op. 12: V. Panis angelicus (soprano) by Ensemble Vocal de L..
巴哈:義大利協奏曲 Bach / Concerto Italien
Intended to 'instruct us and elevate our souls', the ceuvre for keyboard..
史卡拉第:影與光 Scarlatti / De l'ombre à la lumière
This disc by pianist Anne Queffélec is a kind of a homecoming. Forty yea..
拉摩:大鍵琴作品集 Rameau/Pièces pour clavecin, intégrale
His whole soul and mind were in his harpsichord', wrote Piron of his fri..
泰勒曼:搭配古大提琴的三重奏&四重奏 Telemann / Trios & Quartets with viola da gamba
A major musical figure of the 18th-century, in his time, Telemann was mo..
巴哈:鋼琴作品集 Bach / Oeuvres pour piano
DISC 1 Partita No. 4 en Ré Majeur, BWV 828 (œuvre complète) 1 ..
德佛札克、杜南伊:弦樂四重奏 Dvorak-Bartpl-Dohnanyi / Qurtuor A. Modigliani
From the old central Europe to explorations of the New World, Dvorak and..
布拉姆斯:大提琴奏鳴曲 Brahms / Cello Sonatas
1.  Sonate Pour Violoncelle No.1 Op.38 - I. Allegro Non Troppo 14'4..
Scarlatti: 50 Sonates pour clavecin
Réédition en 1 coffret CD des trois disques mythiques Scarlatti I, II et..
En Plein Air / David Kadouch, piano
What is this 'out of doors' of which the pieces by Bach, Schumann, Barto..
Passions De L'ame Et Du Coeur (2 CD)
Divers / Passions   ..
舒伯特:四手連彈作品 Schubert / Oeuvres pour piano à 4 mains
From his very first surviving work, a fantasy, to the masterpieces compo..
布拉姆斯、亨德密特:豎笛五重奏 Brahms、Hindemith:Clarinets Quintets
1.  Clarinet Quintet in B Minor Op.115 - Allegro 13'29 2. ..
史卡拉第:鍵盤奏鳴曲第四集 Pierre Hantai / Scarlatti 4: Pierre Hantai
A fourth volume of Domenico Scarlatti's Sonatas from the most famous Fre..
莎妮.迪魯卡雙CD套裝∼貝多芬、孟德爾頌 Shani Diluka / Beethoven: Concertos pour piano & orchestre no 1&2
皮耶爾.安泰雙CD套裝∼巴哈、拉摩 Pierre Hantai / Bach: Suites, sonate & sinfonia
安德烈.柯洛班尼可夫3CD∼史克里亞賓、貝多芬&蕭士塔高維契 Korobeinikov / Oeuvres de Beethoven, Chostakovitch & Scriabine
利恰卡爾古樂團3CD套裝∼貝塔利、普賽爾&庫普蘭 Ricercar Consort Instrumental / Oeuvres de Bertali, Purcell & Couperin