


加拿大 Justin Time 官網連結

Justin Time Records 成立於1983年,創始人蒙崔勒˙吉姆˙威斯特(Montrealer Jim West)一開始就希望這個廠牌營造出爵士酒吧歡樂愉快的氣氛,從第一張鋼琴家奧利佛˙瓊斯﹙Oliver Jones﹚的專輯開始,便順利地進軍樂界,成功搶掠一席之地,一直到現在已經出版了將近三百種的品項,雖然Justin Time Records給人的一般印象是經營爵士音樂的廠牌,而事實上旗下所發行的音樂類型種類包羅萬象,舉凡是藍調、福音、世界音樂、電影配樂及民謠等界有涉獵。 

到了1990年時,威斯特又致力開發子廠牌Just A Memory公司,這是一個專門作舊錄音整理的公司,包括優秀舊錄音重新發行及挖掘尚未發行的版本,錄音的時間大部分都是在60、70年代,這個廠牌的出現,也造成了行家一陣收藏的狂熱。到了1997年又另外開發了新的子廠牌Just A Minute公司,成立的原意是要代理以搖滾為主的廠牌,目前正在穩定成長中。 

成立以來,Justin Time旗下的藝人包括:奧利佛˙瓊斯﹙Oliver Jones﹚、戴夫˙揚﹙Dave Young﹚、狄狄˙傑克生﹙D.D. Jackson﹚、潔莉˙布朗﹙Jeri Brown﹚等,所出品的專輯獲得了各界的好評,在世界各大獎項的肯定,尤其在加拿大的朱諾獎,幾乎每年都有提名作品,其他像是菲利克斯獎或是獨立廠牌唱片獎,都有所斬獲。 


As the old expression goes, "Time flies when you're having fun." Well, time has sure flown by. Twenty-six years of some really outstanding recording sessions and over 375 total productions. It's interesting to note that our first three signings - Oliver Jones, Ranee Lee, and the Montreal Jubilation Choir [arranged and conducted by Trevor W. Payne] - are all still recording with us today. We are very proud of this fact, and, on a personal level, I'm extremely pleased to consider them all wonderful friends.


We're also proud to have worked with some of the greatest musical talent in the world: the late great Oscar Peterson, David Murray, Dave Van Ronk, Paul Bley, Kenny Wheeler, Rob McConnell, Carmen Lundy, Jimmy Rowles, Sonny Greenwich, Bryan Lee, Diana Krall, Hank Jones, D.D. Jackson, Hamiet Bluiett, Billy Bang, Fontella Bass, Susie Arioli, World Saxophone Quartet, Frank Marino and David Clayton-Thomas - and this is by no means an exhaustive list, nor does it address the thousands of featured artists on our many recording sessions.


In order to make all of these great recordings and market them to the public at large you need a wonderful team. First and foremost you need a group of folks who love and understand music. We are very fortunate to have a number of people with these qualities. Nancy Marley and Jean-Pierre Leduc are two people who've been there since virtually the label's inception and are invaluable assets, as are publicists Simon Fauteux in Quebec, Jane Harbury in Toronto, and Nelly Dimitrova, heading up our publishing and licensing department.


On the technical side of things, we have used the services of many recording engineers, mastering engineers, and recording technicians over the years. Bill Szawlowski, Ian Terry, Jim Anderson, Jim Czak, Renée-Marc Aurèle and many others. Hopefully great sound will continue to be an integral part of all future recordings.


There is a huge network of people that help in the promotion and marketing of every recording. It is indeed teamwork that is required. From publicists, to record trackers, festival organizers, jazz clubs, retailers, managers, agents, radio broadcasters, critics, and all forms of media, all the funding programs that are available in Canada, and last, but certainly not least, all those wonderfully talented artists. We could not do this without you.


At the local level, we must praise the wonderful network of Jazz Festivals and societies throughout Canada. If we were to single out one festival in particular that has had a major impact on our success, that would be without a doubt the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal. Alain Simard and André Ménard, along with their wonderful team, have managed to organize year after year one of the largest and best jazz festivals in the world. Congratulations, and thank you for all your support.


On the international front, and in well over thirty countries, we thank each partner for all the work they do in their respective countries, helping to promote our productions to new audiences. A special "shout out" to Tony Tarleton at EMI Music our new Canadian distributor.


Even though our industry is going through significant changes in the way music is both produced and consumed, the fact remains that that people want great music and we want to continue providing that for many years to come.

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