

Shui-long Ma, composer 馬水龍, 作曲


1964年畢業於國立藝術專科學校,主修作曲;師事蕭而化教授。1972年獲西德雷根斯堡音樂學院全額獎學金赴德留學,師事席格蒙博士,1975年以最優異成績畢業。曾兩度獲得金鼎獎,並曾獲中山文藝創作獎、吳三連文藝創作獎及國家文藝獎等,作品包括管弦樂、室內樂、鋼琴曲、聲樂曲與合唱曲等八十餘件;皆曾發表於國內、歐美、南非及東南亞等國家。其作品「梆笛協奏曲」於1983年由羅斯卓波維奇指揮美國國家交響樂團於台北國父紀念館演出,並以衛星實況轉播至美國PBS公共電視網,深獲中外人士好評。1986年榮獲美國國務院傅爾布萊特學術獎赴美進行研究,並於紐約林肯中心舉行四場個人作品發表會,得到紐約時報及其他地區極高的評價。他是第一人於美國紐約林肯中心做整場個人作品發表會的台灣作曲家。1991年被列入「世界名人錄」及「五百名人錄」。1994年獲文建會獎助至美國進行學術研究,並於北伊大、耶魯、哈佛等大學做專題演講。1999年,榮獲第三屆國家文化藝術基金會文藝獎—音樂類得主。2000年榮獲總統府特授予二等景星勳章。他曾任國立藝術學院 (現為國立台北藝術大學) 音樂系創系主任、教務長、校長與中華音樂著作權人聯合總會董事長;現任財團法人國家文化藝術基金會董事、亞洲作曲家聯盟中華民國總會暨中華民國作曲家協會理事長、財團法人邱再興文教基金會執行長、國立交通大學音樂研究所講座教授、以及國立台北藝術大學音樂系教授。
MA, Shui-Long
Ma, Shui-Long was born in 1939 in Keelung, Taiwan. He studied theory and composition with Prof. Hsiao, Er Hua at the National Taiwan Academy of the Arts and graduate in 1964. In 1972, he was awarded a scholarship to study under Dr. Oscar Sigmund in Regensburg Kirchenmusik Hochschule, West Germany and graduated with distinctions in1975. He is a recipient of numerous awards for his compositions, such as the Sun Yat-Sen Literature and Arts award, and the Wu San-Lien Literature and Arts Award. His more then 80 works are of a wide range, including works of Orchestra, chamber ensemble, piano solo, voice solo, and chorus. His works have been performed only in Taiwan, but also in Europe, the United States, South Africa, and South East Asia. In 1983, the National Symphony Orchestra of the United States with Maestro Mstislav Rostropovich conducting performed Bamboo Flute Concerto in Taipei. The event was broadcast live via satellite on PBS television network. The success of the piece brought him an international recognition. In 1986, he visited the Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania as a Fulbright scholar and gave four full concerts at New York’s Lincoln Center and other major cities. There were reviews of critical acclaim in newspapers such as The New York Times. He is included in Who’s Who in the would and the first Five Hundred published by The International Biographical Center. He used to be president of the Taipei National University of the Arts (formerly, its name was National Institute of the Arts), Music Copyright Association Taiwan (MCAT). Currently, he is professor of composition at National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU) and Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA), Chairman of Asian Composers’ League of R.O.C. National Committee (ACL-Taiwan) and Composers Association of Republic of China (CAROC), Vice-chairman of Asian Composers’ League National Committee (ACL).