

Hwang, Cheng-Yin, flute 黃貞瑛,長笛

畢業於法國國立巴黎高等音樂學院長笛與室內樂第一獎。旅法期間加入巴黎長笛樂團於各地演出並灌錄唱片發行,亦曾受邀於古堡音樂節慶中演出。1993年返國 至今,積極參與演出活動,在樂壇上非常活躍,除舉辦過多場個人獨奏會外,並多次應國內外知名藝文團體邀請演出,合作過的團體包括世紀交響樂團、加拿大蒙特 婁室內樂團、唐律長笛合奏團、凡雅三重奏、台北愛樂木管五重奏等,演出足跡遍至紐約、芝加哥、巴黎、渶城、上海、北京、澳門、香港等地。2002年與莫斯 科愛樂交響樂團演出尼爾森長笛協奏曲。目前任教於師大、東吳大學、台灣藝術大學及台北巿立師院等音樂系。

A graduate of the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris, Ms. Huang was awarded the 1st prix de flute and 1st prix de Musique de chambre. During her stay in Paris, she joined flute groups in Paris and toured to various places, and also recorded an album, and was invited to perform in Festival du Val d’Aulnay. In 1993, she returned to Taiwan, and eagerly participated in many events, and was very active in the music world. Besides holding many recitals, she was also invited by local and international renowned art and culture groups to perform, and some of the groups include: Century Symphony Orchestra, I Musici de Montreal, Tang-Lu Flute Ensemble, Taipei Fine Arts Trio, Taipei Philharmonic Woodwinds Quintet, etc…She has performed in New York, Chicago, Paris, Seoul, Shanghai, Beijing, Macao, Hong Kong… In 2003, she performed the Concerto for Flute by C. Nielsen with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra. Currently, she teaches at music departments of National Taiwan Normal University, Soo Chow University, National Taiwan University of Arts, and Taipei Municipal Teachers College.