
威爾第:歌劇《弄臣》Verdi: Rigoletto . Soloists / English National Opera Orchestra & Chorus / Elder


威爾第:歌劇《弄臣》Verdi: Rigoletto . Soloists / English National Opera Orchestra & Chorus / Elder
專輯編號: CHAN3030
國際條碼: 0095115303023
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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英國CHANDOS唱片公司致力的「英語歌劇系列」,將要拉近您與歌劇的距離,透過名家的精心英語翻譯、一流聲樂高手的演唱詮釋,不僅保有原來歌劇的風貌,更讓您在一字一句之間體會到舞台人生的悲歡離合。威爾第的歌劇名作《弄臣》強烈展現了戲劇與音樂的完美結合,因而以英語演唱的這套錄音,完全表露花心公爵遊戲人間的個性、弄臣這位卑鄙人物下的父愛情深、以及吉爾達純真無瑕的奉獻心態,一切都在指揮家馬克.艾德統御這些頂尖聲樂家的詮釋下,絲絲沁入您的聽覺享受。特別值得一提的是,此乃1983年在英國國家歌劇院以現代觀點演出的全新《弄臣》版本,原班人馬再聚於著名Abbey Road錄音室重新錄製的經典名盤。

Disc: 1
1. Rigoletto, opera: Prelude
2. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 1: That pretty girl I've been seeing in the city
3. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 1: If a woman should happen to catch my eye
4. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 1: You're going? That's cruel
5. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 1: It's happened! It's happened!
6. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 1: I demand to see him
7. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 2: The old man laid his curse on me!
8. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 2: We are equals
9. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 2: Gilda!
10. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 2: Ah, do not demand of one so sad
11. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 2: Oh, dear Giovanna, guard my daughter
12. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 2: Giovanna, I should have told him
13. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 2: Love is the source of life, love is our sunlight
14. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 2: Gualtier Maldè, you were the first to love me...Dearest name of my first love
15. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 2: I have returned. But why?
16. Rigoletto, opera: Act 1, Scene 2: Softly, softly we move in to get her
Disc: 2
1. Rigoletto, opera: Act 2: Somebody came and stole her but when?
2. Rigoletto, opera: Act 2: Somewhere I see you weeping
3. Rigoletto, opera: Act 2: We went to look for her last night together
4. Rigoletto, opera: Act 2: The power of love is calling
5. Rigoletto, opera: Act 2: Poor little Rigoletto...
6. Rigoletto, opera: Act 2: Filthy rabble, you liars, you cowards
7. Rigoletto, opera: Act 2: My father!
8. Rigoletto, opera: Act 2: Speak now. They've left us
9. Rigoletto, opera: Act 2: I've one thing to do here before I am finished
10. Rigoletto, opera: Act 2: Old man, you're mistaken
11. Rigoletto, opera: Act 3: You love him?
12. Rigoletto, opera: Act 3: Women abandon us
13. Rigoletto, opera: Act 3: If you want a faithful lover
14. Rigoletto, opera: Act 3: Eighty dollars you were asking
15. Rigoletto, opera: Act 3: He's such a young man, handsome and friendly
16. Rigoletto, opera: Act 3: I cannot think clearly
17. Rigoletto, opera: Act 3: Now for my vengeance, now the moment is ready
18. Rigoletto, opera: Act 3: He's there, murdered, oh yes
19. Rigoletto, opera: Act 3: But who can be inside here?
20. Rigoletto, opera: Act 3: It's all my fault
21. Rigoletto, opera: Act 3: Ah, soon, in Heaven
