
羅卡泰利: 諧音迷宮(三首小提琴協奏曲) 葛林戈斯 小提琴/指揮 芬蘭巴洛克管弦樂團 Ilya Gringolts, Finnish Baroque Orchestra / Locatelli: Il Labirinto Armonico

Ilya Gringolts takes on the challenge of Locatelli's virtuosic capriccios

羅卡泰利: 諧音迷宮(三首小提琴協奏曲) 葛林戈斯 小提琴/指揮 芬蘭巴洛克管弦樂團	Ilya Gringolts, Finnish Baroque Orchestra / Locatelli: Il Labirinto Armonico
專輯編號: BISSACD2445
專輯類型: SACD
發行年份: 2020
國際條碼: 7318599924458
音樂廠牌: BIS
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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羅卡泰利: 諧音迷宮(三首小提琴協奏曲)
伊利亞.葛林戈斯 小提琴/指揮

羅卡泰利給小提琴獨奏, 弦樂和持續低音樂器的(小提琴的藝術 L'Arte del violino)發行於1733年,  將小提琴的技術和獨奏協奏曲的曲目分類帶進一個全新的領域. 包含在此一系列中的十二首協奏曲也在形成小提琴演奏名家的形象中發揮作用, 在到該世紀末時以帕格尼尼等人達到全盛時期. 羅卡泰利可能在1723年到1729年間編寫了此一系列, 是他在義大利和德國等收入豐富的宮廷巡迴演出的那幾年.
從一開始, 雖然獨奏部份罕見的非常高的技術要求對聽眾而言是很明顯的, 但大驚喜是在每一首協奏曲的第一和第三樂章的結尾處. 羅卡泰利在此插入只給獨奏家的以前所未聞難度的隨想曲, 以左手技巧使用擴張指法(extensions), 伸指八度(octaves), 突然而來的十度音程(tenth), 雙音與三音(double and triple stopping), 琶音(arpeggio)和雙顫音(double trills). 這些創作還偏好演奏非常高的把位(position): 在隨想曲第22號(協奏曲第11號第三樂章)上升分散三度(broken thirds)可高達17度(17th position). 小提琴家伊利亞.葛林戈斯的作品集中包含較為人所知的帕格尼尼隨想曲, 這次接下了羅卡泰的挑戰, 在此表演(小提琴的藝術)協奏曲其中的三首. 他用義大利製琴名匠加里亞諾(Ferdinando Gagliano)1770年製作的羊腸弦小提琴演奏並且指揮芬蘭巴洛克管弦樂團.

Ilya Gringolts takes on the challenge of Locatelli's virtuosic capriccios

Published in 1733, Pietro Locatelli's L'Arte del violino for solo violin, strings, and basso continuo took both violin technique and the solo concerto as a genre into a whole new realm. The twelve concertos included in the collection also played a part in forming the image of the violin virtuoso, reaching its full bloom with Paganini towards the end of the century. Locatelli probably composed the set between 1723 and 1729, years that he spent mainly on the road performing at princely courts across Italy and Germany.

While the unusually high technical demands of the solo part are obvious to the listener from the start, the great surprise comes at the end of the first and third movements of each of the concertos. Here Locatelli inserts Capriccios for the soloist alone of a difficulty previously unheard of, with a left hand technique making use of extensions, octaves, unprepared tenths, double and triple stopping, arpeggios and double trills. The writing also favours playing in extremely high positions: in Capriccio No. 22 (from the third movement of Concerto no. 11) rising broken thirds go as high as 17th position. Ilya Gringolts, whose discography includes the better-known caprices by Paganini, has accepted Locatelli's challenge, and here performs three of the L'Arte concertos. He does so with the support of the Finnish Baroque Orchestra, which he conducts from his gut-stringed violin by Ferdinando Gagliano, c. 1770.

Pietro Locatelli (1695—1764)
Three Violin Concertos from L'Arte del violino

Concerto in G major, Op. 3 No. 9 19'07
1 ) I. Allegro — Capriccio 7'47
2 ) II. Largo 4'14
3 ) III. Allegro — Capriccio 6'58

Concerto in A major, Op. 3 No. 11 18'00
4 ) I. Allegro — Capriccio 6'23
5 ) II. Largo 4'14
6 ) III. Andante — Capriccio 7'14

Concerto in D major, Op. 3 No. 12 23'42
'Il Labirinto Armonico. Facilis aditus, difficilis exitus'
7 ) I. Allegro — Capriccio 7'14
8 ) II. Largo — Presto — Adagio 3'18
9 ) III. Allegro — Capriccio 13'04

TT: 61'49

Ilya Gringolts violin & direction
Finnish Baroque Orchestra

