
歐貝: 三幕歌劇(青銅馬) 庫特.李希特 指揮 大維也納廣播樂團 Kurt Richter / Auber: Le cheval de bronze

歐貝: 三幕歌劇(青銅馬) 庫特.李希特 指揮 大維也納廣播樂團	Kurt Richter / Auber: Le cheval de bronze
歐貝: 三幕歌劇(青銅馬) 庫特.李希特 指揮 大維也納廣播樂團	Kurt Richter / Auber: Le cheval de bronze
專輯編號: C986192
專輯類型: 雙CD
發行年份: 2020
國際條碼: 4011790986227
音樂廠牌: Orfeo
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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埃奎魯茲 男高音
庫特.李希特 指揮

Daniel Francois-Esprit Auber (1782–1871) was the most amiable French composer of the 19th century. His sparkling and beautiful overtures were once universally as famous as those of Rossini and Suppe. The greatest turning point in Auber’s life was meeting the librettist Eugène Scribe (1791–1861), with whom he developed a long and hugely successful working partnership. Success followed success; works such as Le Macon (1825) and La Muette de Portici (1828) brought Auber public fame and official recognition.

Le Cheval de bronze, an opera-feerique in three acts, derived from the tale Les Sept Fils du Calender (‘The Arabian Nights’), unfolds in Shantung province in a fairy tale China of long ago. The magical Bronze Horse of the title, appearing mysteriously on a nearby hill, will transport any man who climbs onto its back to the planet Venus, home to group of female sirens, led by the lovely Princess Stella. If the traveler in space can resist the sirens’ advances, he can return to earth with the lady of his choice; if not, he is whisked back alone, and turned to stone if he speaks of his experiences…

CD 1  34:51
1 Ouverture / Overture 7:42
 Erster Aufzug / Act 1
2 Einfuhrung / Introduction: "Klingt, ihr Glockchen der Pagode" (Chor) 0:59
3 Trio: "O Kjo-schangs! Du Blauer"  1:43 (Tschin-Kao, Chor, Peki, Tsing-Sing)
4 Couplets: "Madchen, seit ich jungst dich erblickt" 2:42 (Tsing-Sing, Tschin-Kao, Peki, Chor)
5 "Wer kommt denn da?" (Tsing-Sing, Tschin-Kao, Tao-Jin) 1:58
6 "Man fangt an zu bangen" (Tsing-Sing, Tschin-Kao, Tao-Jin) 1:01
7 Couplets: "Lieb’ und Scherz sind als Begleiter" (Yang, Chor) 2:27
8 Quintett / Quintet: "Nun wohl, Tsing-Sing" 2:40 (Tsing-Sing, Yang, Tschin-Kao, Tao-Jin)
9 "Oh, warum so in Tranen" 2:08 (Yang, Tsing-Sing, Peki, Tschin-Kao, Tao-Jin)
10 Ballade / Ballad: "Am Felsen dort ragt auf der Spitze" (Peki) 4:09 11
Finale: "Welche Schmach!"3:38 (Tao-Jin, Yanko, Peki, Tschin-Kao, Chor, Tsing-Sing, Yang) @ "Der mut’ge Renner fliegt" 2:23 (Yang, Yanko, Tsing-Sing, Tschin-Kao, Tao-Jin)
13 Fort! Auf der Ehre Bahn" (Alle) 1:21
CD 2 51:39 Zweiter Aufzug / Act 2
1 Zwischenspiel und Arie / Intermezzo and Aria: "Mein edler Schwiegersohn" 1:03
2 "O Tochter, du mein Stolz" (Tschin-Kao) 1:43
3 "Als guter Vater wahle ich" (Tschin-Kao) 2:19
4 Couplets: "Hort Unvermahlte, wie Leid oft Liebeslust vergallt" (Peki) 3:18
5 Duo / Duet: "Was sehe ich? Ein Wunder der Welt!" (Tao-Jin, Tsing-Sing) 6:43
6 Trio: "Zu Tische! Zu Tische! Horst du Frau?" (Tsing-Sing, Peki, Yanko) 5:14
7 Finale: "Nur heran mit Bedacht!" (Tschin-Kao, Chor)3:45
8 "Halt! Was gibt’s?" (Yanko, Tschin-Kao, Chor) 5:52
 Dritter Aufzug / Act 3
9 Zwischenspiel / Intermezzo: "O Paradieses-Haine, glucksel’ge Garten ihr!" 1:05 (Chor)
10 Arie und Chor / Aria and Chorus: "Ach, ohne Leid und Sorgen" (Stella, Chor) 5:27
11 Duo / Duet: "Woruber magst du dich beklagen?" (Stella, Yang) 4:43 12
 Couplets: "Ruhig schlendert’ ich im Garten" (Peki) 2:10 13
 Duo / Duet: "Welch’ Begehr, junger Herr!"  3:46 (Stella, Peki, Yang, Yanko, Tsing-Sing) 14
 Finale: "Streuet Bluten, singet Lieder!" 4:31 (Chor, Tschin-Kao, Peki, Stella)

