
安德瑞斯.海夫里格 / 觀點七 貝爾格/貝多芬/李斯特等鋼琴作品 / Andreas Haefliger – Perspectives 7

安德瑞斯.海夫里格 / 觀點七 貝爾格/貝多芬/李斯特等鋼琴作品 / Andreas Haefliger – Perspectives 7
安德瑞斯.海夫里格 / 觀點七 貝爾格/貝多芬/李斯特等鋼琴作品 / Andreas Haefliger – Perspectives 7
專輯編號: BISSACD2307
專輯類型: SACD
發行年份: 2018
國際條碼: 7318599923079
音樂廠牌: BIS
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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Since 2004, Andreas Haefliger has been devising a series of recital programmes named Perspectives, presenting them in concert and on disc. Each programme focusses on one or two Beethoven sonatas, juxtaposed with works by other composers (ranging from Mozart to Berio) which in some way or other interact with Beethoven's music, and with each other. The seventh instalment in the series was premièred at the Edinburgh Festival in 2017, and was described by one reviewer as 'Inspiringly commanding, thoughtful, lucid and sheerly beautiful' (The Herald, Glasgow).

Perspectives 7 opens with Alban Berg's Piano Sonata, Op. 1, a highly concentrated work in which most of the music can be traced back to the two opening gestures. This is followed by Liszt's impressionistic Légende No. 1 'St. Francis of Assisi: The Sermon to the Birds', in which we seem to hear a flock of birds chirp warble and sing. At the core of the programme is Beethoven's Op. 101 Sonata – a work which in Haefliger's opinion points more clearly towards Schumann than any other of the composer's sonatas. But the grand finale of this amply-filled disc (86 minutes!) is nevertheless a highly colourful and expressive performance of Mussorgsky's Pictures from an Exhibition, recorded – as is the entire disc – in the exceptional acoustics of the Mozartsaal of the Vienna Konzerthaus. 

sAlban Berg
01. Piano Sonata, Op.  1. 14'44
02. Légende No.  1 - St François d'Assise: La prédication aux oiseaux, S.  175/1. 10'52
 Ludwig van Beethoven
 Piano Sonata No.  28 in A major, Op.  101. 22'45.
03. I.  Etwas lebhaft und mit der innigsten Empfindung. 4'50
04. II.  Lebhaft.  Marschmäßig. 6'18
05. III.  Langsam und sehnsuchtsvoll. 3'35
06. IV.  Geschwinde, doch nicht zu sehr, und mit Entschlossenheit. 8'02
 Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky
 Pictures from an Exhibition. 38'24.
07. Promenade. 1'35
08. 1.  Gnomus.  Sempre vivo. 3'07
09. (Promenade) Moderato commodo assai e con delicatezza. 1'05
10. 2.  Il vecchio castello.  Andantino molto cantabile e con dolore. 4'41
11. (Promenade) Moderato non tanto, pesamente. 0'37
12. 3.  Tuileries (Disputes d'enfants après jeux). 1'00
13. 4.  Bydło.  Sempre moderato, pesante. 3'06
14. (Promenade) Tranquillo. 1'03
15. 5.  Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks.  Scherzino vivo, leggiero. 0'59
16. 6.  Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuÿle.  Andante.  Grave – energico. 2'34
17. Promenade.  Allegro giusto, nel modo russico, poco sostenuto. 1'40
18. 7.  Limoges.  Le marché (La grande nouvelle) Allegretto vivo, sempre scherzando. 1'21
19. 8.  Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum) Largo. 2'37
20. Con mortuis in lingua mortua.  Andante non troppo, con lamento. 2'49
21. 9.  The Hut on Hen's Legs (Baba-Yaga) Allegro con brio, feroce. 3'24
22. 10.  The Bogatyr Gate (in the Capital, in Kiev) Allegro alla breve – Maestoso – Con grandezza. 6'46
 Album total 86'54

