
ORBI搖滾背景樂器四重奏演奏搖滾重金屬名曲集 ORBI - the Oscillating Revenge of the Background Instruments

ORBI搖滾背景樂器四重奏演奏搖滾重金屬名曲集	ORBI - the Oscillating Revenge of the Background Instruments
專輯編號: BISCD2297
專輯類型: 單CD
發行年份: 2019
國際條碼: 7318590022979
音樂廠牌: BIS
庫存狀態: 有庫存
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從某一方面來說, 一支小提琴, 小喇叭或主音吉他是根深蒂固的被認為是鎂光燈的焦點, 使得在舞台上的其他樂器變成只是配角. 但從另一面來說, 一隻巴松管, 低音大提琴, 爵士鼓和電子風琴提供了節奏和諧的背景音樂, 襯托出主角獨奏音樂家的光芒. 但如果這些背景樂器背叛而反擊了會變成怎麼樣子?

結果可在這張(背景樂器的震盪復仇)(ORBI - Oscillating Revenge of the Background Instruments)專輯中聽到: 四位音樂家用他們的重低音樂器演奏混合搖滾交響曲和咆嘯演唱爆發力十足的重金屬音樂並夾帶一點藍調, 百分之百沒有主唱者與其他樂器在內. 在這荷蘭的四重奏中, 吹奏巴松管的Bram, 低音提琴的Rick兩人都從事於高能見度的古典音樂事業. 打擊樂手Marijn受過古典音樂教育但也曾經在西非與印度學習音樂, 他活躍地參與多種音樂類型和多媒體專案計畫. 最後是電子風琴手Sven Figee能在各種場合下演奏爵士, 流行和搖滾音樂. 這專輯從他們最喜愛的播放清單中選曲, 並在Marijnvan Prooijen的編曲協助下, 創造出一種怪異與奇妙, 令人驚訝與上癮的音樂與聲音的組合.

There are instruments and then there are instruments … On the one hand a violin, trumpet or lead guitar so firmly planted in the spotlight that everyone else on stage is reduced to a supporting role. On the other a bassoon, double bass, drum set or Hammond organ, providing the harmonic and rhythmic backdrop against which the soloist can shine. But what if the background instruments rebel? What if they strike back?

The result can be heard on ORBI –the Oscillating Revenge of the Background Instruments: four musicians making their bass-heavy instruments howl and growl (and sing!) in a mix of symphonic rock, thrusting metal and a little blues, 100% instrumental and lead-singer free. Of this Dutch quartet, Bram (on bassoon) and Rick (double bass) both pursue high-profile careers in classical music. Marijn(percussion) is classically trained but also studied in West Africa and India, and is active in many musical genres as well as multimedia projects. And keyboardist Sven Figee, finally, plays jazz, pop and rock in various constellations. Choosing from their own favourite playlists, and with the help of arranger Marijnvan Prooijen, they have come up with a mix of music and sounds that is as weird and wonderful as it is surprising and addictive.

Matthew Bellamy
01  Uprising (Muse)  5'00

John Jones, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
Since I've been loving you   
02  Since I've been loving you (Led Zeppelin)  7'08
Kevin Labrie, John Myung, John Petrucci, Michael Portnoy, Jordan Rudess
03  Octavarium (Dream Theater)  16'24
Cliff Burton, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich
Fight fire with fire   
04  Fight fire with fire (Metallica)  5'10

Roger Waters
Hey you   
05  Hey you (Pink Floyd)  4'41
Cliff Burton, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich
06  Orion (Metallica)  7'22
Kerry Minnear, Derek Shulman, Ray Shulman
07  Proclamation (Gentle Giant)  6'26
Emil Tabakov
08  Motivy  4'09

Cliff Burton
(Anesthesia) Pulling teeth   
09  (Anesthesia) Pulling teeth (Metallica)  3'25
Matthew Bellamy
Supermassive black hole   
10  Supermassive black hole (Muse)  3'31
Hannes Grossmann, Florian Magnus Maier
11  Cthulhu (Alkaloid)  5'54
Bertolt Brecht, Kurt Weill
Alabama song   
12  Alabama song (The Doors)  3'38
Album total  72'53

